Casey Turner became the third houseguest evicted from Big Brother's eleventh season during Thursday night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show.
Jessie had originally nominated Jordan Lloyd, a 22-year-old waitress from Matthews, NC, and Michele Noonan, a 27-year-old neuroscientist from Pasadena, CA, for eviction. However Michele won the subsequent Power of Veto competition, allowing her to remove herself from the chopping block.
Jessie then declined to follow through on the houseguests' previously agreed upon plan to nominate Ronnie Talbott, a 30-year-old gamer from Belpre, OH who had spent the competition's first two weeks playing both of the house's alliances against each other. Instead Jessie nominated Casey, whom he deemed to be the biggest threat to his own alliance, which still included Ronnie.
Despite being a member of Jessie's alliance, Russell Kairouz, a 24-year-old mixed martial arts fighter from Walnut Creek, CA, cast the sole dissenting vote for Jordan's eviction.
"I'm staying true to my word and voting to evict Jordan," Russell said as he voted.
Following Casey's eviction, Big Brother Julie Chen told the houseguests that effective immediately they would no longer be competing in their previously assigned high school clique teams.
"As of right now, the cliques no longer exist," Julie told the houseguests. "You are all now on your own, no longer protected by your clique."
Julie then also told the contestants that home viewers will be voting to award a "mystery power" to one houseguest.
"This mystery power is something that can be used in the next two weeks. It could completely change the course of the game and only the person who receives it will know what that power is," Julie explained. "That's because it must be kept a secret until the moment it will be used. Who will receive this power? I can't tell you, that will be up to America."
"What I can tell you is that this week, having the HoH and Veto are more important than ever because that is the only way to guarantee your safety," she added, appearing to all but reveal the power to the houseguests.
After talking with the houseguests, Julie told viewers that the mystery power will be the "Coup D'etat," the same twist that was featured -- but never actually utilized -- in Big Brother 7: All-Stars in 2006.
"You America will vote for whom you want to receive this power," Julie said. "During either of the next two live evictions the winner of the Coup D'etat will have the ability to overthrow the Head of Household by replacing one or both of the nominees. That means right before the live voting begins there could be two brand-new houseguests up for eviction. Now that could be a game-changer!"

The Coup D'etat winner will be revealed to viewers on next Thursday's live eviction show, according to Julie.
Thursday night's live broadcast ended with the 10 remaining Big Brother houseguests -- minus Jessie, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- beginning to compete in the season's fourth HoH competition.
An endurance challenge, the HoH competition required each houseguest to remain seated on small seats that hung by rope from a spinning metal frame. Various obstacles -- including a giant foam "diploma" and piped-in rain" -- would be introduced to the carousel-like challenge as time went on and the last houseguest to remain hanging on their rope would become the season's fourth HoH.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
Russell won the challenge and became the fourth HoH.
Big Brother 11's next episode will air Sunday, August 2 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Steven Rogers