CBS has revealed the identities of the 16 buccaneer wannabes who will compete in
Pirate Master, a new swashbuckling reality series created by Mark Burnett that is scheduled to
premiere on Thursday, May 31 at 8PM ET/PT.
Pirate Master will follow the 16 contestants as they spend 33 days traveling around the Caribbean island nation of Dominica in search of hidden treasure that will total $1 million. When they're not busy embarking on quests to decipher various hidden treasure clues, they'll live on the 179-foot, square-rigged barque that will also serve as their main form of plundering transportation.
One pirate will become the captain of the ship and will assign roles and chores to the remaining crew members, establishing a hierarchy that could lead to mutiny.
All of the contestants that help find each treasure will receive a share of the gold coins found, however like a true pirate ship, the captain and his officers will end up with more than their equal shares, leaving the rest of the pirates to split the remaining scraps.
Each episode will conclude with Pirate's Court, a
Survivor Tribal Council-like event that will see one individual eliminated and "cut adrift." In the end, one will be the first to find the largest booty -- worth $500,000 -- and claim the title of "
Pirate Master."
Pirate Master's cast consists of eight men and eight women who range in age from 21 to 45-years-old. Hailing from Alaska to Massachusetts and several locations in-between, cast members come from various walks of life, boasting credentials in everything from glass blowing and smoke jumping to law and music, and even features a Chippendale Dancer as well as an ex-NFL player.
The 16 contestants competing in
Pirate Master -- who will also be dressed in period costumes -- are:
Christa DeAngelo, a 29-year former member of the military from Tamaqua, PA  |
Ben Fagan, a 23-year-old student/musician from Boston, MA  |
Louie Frase, a 43-year-old marina owner from Fishing Creek, MD who is originally from Park Ridge, IL  |
Kendra Guffey, a 38-year-old dive master from Los Angeles, CA who is originally from Anchorage, AK  |
Jay Hatkow, a 37-year-old automotive-parts salesman from Detroit, MI  |
Azmyth Kaminski, a 26-year-old music producer from Los Angeles, CA who is originally from Mt. Vernon, WA  |
Cheryl Kosewicz, a 35-year-old district attorney from Sparks, NV who is originally from Grand Couler, WA  |
John Lakness, a 25-year-old scientist/Chippendale Dancer from Carlisle, MA  |
Jocelyn "Joy" McElveen, a 21-year-old receptionist from West Columbia, SC |
Elicia "Jupiter" Mendoza, a 30-year-old bartender from Los Angeles, CA who is originally from Santa Rosa, CA |
Joe Don "J.D." Norton, a 36-year-old smoke jumper from Ft. Wainwright, AK who is originally from Scottsdale, AZ |
Nessa Nemir, a 29-year-old make-up artist from Berkeley, CA who is originally from Oakland, CA |
Christian Okoye, a 45-year-old former NFL player from Rancho Cucamonga, CA who is originally from Enugu, Nigeria |
Laurel Schmidt, a 21-year-old glass blower from Los Angeles, CA who is originally from Detroit, MI |
Alexis Shubin, a 26-year-old fashion publicist from Laguna Beach, CA who is originally from Fountain Valley, CA |
Sean Twomey, a 27-year-old bartender from Venice, CA who is originally from Pensacola, FL |
(Photos credit Monty Brinton/CBS)
About The Author:
Christopher Rocchio
Christopher Rocchio is an entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and has covered the reality TV genre for several years.