For the second consecutive year, "Big Brother" fans will be able to compete against each other throughout the summer in the official Big Brother Fantasy League available exclusively at
Registered players pick four HouseGuests as their team and score points in 11 categories during each of Big Brother’s three weekly episodes. Points will be awarded to each HouseGuest in such categories as winning the Head of Household or Food competitions, crying, wearing a towel and kissing. In addition to scoring points as in fantasy sporting games, the Big Brother Fantasy League will enable players to trade non-nominated HouseGuests at anytime except during East Coast and West Coast broadcast times.
"'Big Brother' viewers seem to have an insatiable appetite for interactivity, and last year's Fantasy League attracted more than 80,000 participants," said David Katz, Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning and Interactive Ventures, CBS. "We hope that this year's exciting 'X Factor' twist will give our loyal online fans yet another reason to tune in, play along and compete against their fellow viewers." will automatically keep track of each player’s points and post an overall leader board as well as a weekly leader board for those who sign up to play after "Big Brother" 4’s July 8th premiere (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Free registration for the Big Brother Fantasy League begins Tuesday, July 8. Complete league rules will be available at
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