Celebrity Big Brother featured Ross Mathews winning the Power of Veto before Metta World Peace got evicted from the house during Monday night's broadcast on CBS.
The latest Head of Household, former The Apprentice contestant and White House staffer Omarosa Manigault, then named Metta World Peace -- born Ronald Artest, Jr. -- the replacement nominee because he had begged the cast to evict him so he could return home to his kids and future wife whom he missed terribly.
Once the former NBA player and Brandi were on the block together, the house unanimously voted to evict Metta from the Celebrity Big Brother game.
"I'm a competitor, an extremely competitive person, but wow. It was very hard. I had great times, but it was so hard," Metta told host Julie Chen of being stuck in the house for 20 days. "I missed my family a lot... and my future wife, I love her and miss her so much."
The Celebrity Big Brother broadcast began on Day 18, with Omarosa saying her goal as HoH was to break up the power couples -- Ross and actress Marissa Jaret Winokur or Brandi and Miss Universe 2015, Ariadna Gutierrez.
Meanwhile, Brandi was worried her own alliance was turning on her because she had voted for Sugar Ray singer Mark McGrath instead of actress Shannon Elizabeth at the previous eviction.
During the Nomination Ceremony, Omarosa attempted to plant seeds of doubt in others' minds by winking at Marissa although they didn't have any type of plan or deal with each other. Brandi, however, saw the wink and panicked, and Marissa got upset that Brandi was questioning her loyalty.
While speaking with Omarosa later on, Brandi accidentally disclosed that she had made a Final 4 pact with Marissa, Ross and Ari.
Ari thought Mark and Big Time Rush singer James Maslow were secretly working with Omarosa, so she warned Marissa that one of them would probably be the replacement nominee if either Ross or Brandi won the Power of Veto.
Marissa then informed Ross and Brandi of Ari's suspicion, calling Ari the "smartest person" left in this house at this point. Brandi therefore flat out asked James if he had made a deal with Omarosa and Mark, and he didn't necessarily deny it.
James hated how Brandi called him out, and he wanted to target her so badly. Ross was trying to convince James not to trust Omarosa -- who was gunning for Ross -- so he realized voting Brandi out might actually work to his benefit.
Mark also acknowledged that Omarosa was great at manipulating people and getting inside their heads.

As a result, Mark and James discussed taking out Brandi with the help of Marissa and Ross. Marissa liked the idea of saving Ross, but she wasn't ready to leave Ari in the dust and keep her in the dark.
James told Marissa that no one would beat Ari in the end at this point, but she was hesitant to commit to such a risky course of action.
Julie Chen then announced to the house that America had voted for a special Power of Veto twist called the "VIP Veto."
Julie explained the winner of the PoV would be afforded the chance to use the veto power twice at the Veto Meeting, meaning a person could take someone off the chopping block and then also remove another person once the replacement nominee is named by the Head of Household.
For the Power of Veto competition dubbed "Invitation Only," the houseguests were required to race down a red carpet and bring puzzle pieces back to their puzzle board. The first houseguest to solve his or her puzzle would win the PoV, and that person ended up being Ross.
At the Veto Meeting, Ross removed himself from the chopping block, and then Omarosa named Metta World Peace as his replacement since Metta desperately wanted to go home.
With Metta World Peace and Brandi on the block, Ross could use his special power to remove another nominee, but he decided against it.
Ross' choice left Metta World Peace and Brandi on the chopping block going into the subsequent eviction. Once the house voted out Metta, he cried on his way out, saying his fellow houseguests had become his brothers and sisters.
In his post-eviction interview, Metta revealed that he had been rooting for Shannon to win the game, but out of the players left, he wants Ross to win Celebrity Big Brother's $250,000 grand prize.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski