AMC released a clip from the third episode of Dark Winds Season 3 on Thursday. The episode airs Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT on AMC and streams on AMC+.

The scene is between officers Bernadette Manuelito (Jessica Matten) and Jim Chee (Kiowa Gordon). As it begins, they are discussing a file on a suspect named Budge.

Guest star Raoul Max Trujillo plays Budge, but does not appear in the clip. Bernadette suspects Budge took her gun and returned it to her car equally mysteriously.

Chee suggests letting it go. To take her mind off Budge, Chee asks her out to dinner.

At the suggestion that Chee is paying, Bernadette agrees.

The characters marry in Tony Hillerman's novels. The show has been teasing their relationship in its adaptations.

AMC has renewed Dark Winds for a fourth season.