Big Brother crowned Chelsie Baham the winner of Season 26 over runner-up Makensy Manbeck in a unanimous jury vote during the live two-hour finale broadcast that aired Sunday night on CBS.


After 90 days, 13 evictions and 38 competitions, Chelsie, a 27-year-old nonprofit director from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, won the $750,000 grand prize by defeating Makensy, a 22-year-old construction project manager from Houston, TX, as well as third-place finisher Cam Sullivan-Brown, a 25-year-old physical therapist from Bowie, MD.


"I feel so blessed. I've been a fan since I was a kid, and I've worked really hard these last 90 days. I'm just ready to go home and see my dog," Chelsie told Big Brother host Julie Chen after her victory.

Chelsie received all seven jury votes to win from previously-evicted Big Brother players Angela Murray, Kimo Apaka, Quinn Martin, Leah Peters, T'kor Clottey, and Rubina Bernabe.


Makensy received zero jury votes to win, but she won $75,000 as the runner-up.

"I feel blessed. I didn't come here for the money; I came here for the experience," Makensy said in her final words. "The other person I wanted to win was Chelsie, and she is so deserving!"

In addition, Tucker Des Lauriers was named "America's Favorite Houseguest" and received $50,000 as a result. In addition to Tucker, the other houseguests in the running for the honor were Angela and Quinn.

Tucker made Big Brother history because this marked the first time a non-finalist and non-juror was voted "America's Favorite Houseguest."

The Big Brother finale began with a flashback to Day 87, when Chelsie, Makensy and Cam were competing in Part 1 of the final three-part Head of Household competition.


In a competition dubbed "Sever the Source," the Final 3 houseguests were instructed to battle AINSLEY's army while standing inside an "assault box" that tilted and spun. The person who could hold on the longest would destroy AINSLEY's power source and win Part 1.

Makensy lost feeling in her left hand, and so she was the first person to drop out. In the end, Chelsie pulled out another win.

"I was doing an endurance with two D1 athletes. They may have muscle, but your girl has heart!" Chelsie boasted in the Diary Room.

"I am one step closer to achieving my dream of winning Big Brother. I honestly don't know who I would choose to sit next to me in the finale, but one thing I do know if that I worked too hard to not be the one making the decision."

For Part 2 of the final HoH competition, Makensy and Cam were required to destroy AINSLEY's AI brain and take her down in order to "save the world."


Makensy and Cam faced off and were required to essentially solve a giant Rubik's Cube-inspired puzzle and then connect nine wires into inputs. There was only one correct way to power up a device that would blow up AINSLEY's brain.

Makensy won Part 2 of the final HoH competition, and she boasted about how she deserved to make it to the end of Big Brother.

Cam, meanwhile, realized he was going to have to wait for one of the women to hopefully bring him to Final 2.

After former Big Brother winner Taylor Hale was shown talking to the jury about the Final 3 and their game moves up to this point, it became time for Part 3 of the final HoH competition.

In Part 3 dubbed "Data Destruction," Makensy and Chelsie -- neither of whom had decided which player they'd want to sit next to in the end when taking into account competition wins, strategy and friendship -- were instructed to identify corrupt data in the BB system.



The women were shown a series of videos. In each video, one jury member's avatar shared three statements about his or her game. One of those statements was corrupt and false. One right answer would earn a player one point.

It was Makensy and Chelsie's job to figure out the false statement in each round, and the person to receive the most points after six videos would become the final HoH of Season 26.

Makensy answered all six questions correctly, although Chelsie was hot on her heels with five correct answers.

Makensy then had to decide whom to take to the Final 2, and both Cam and Chelsie gave their best pitch.

Cam let Makensy know that he'd respect whatever decision she made and that he hoped she'd pick him.

Chelsie then told Makensy, "I just ask that you make a decision that makes you proud. We've been running this game in the second half, and I'd love to have two women sit here and represent well. I love you so much, well deserved."

Makensy, who shared how she was "born" to make this decision, told Cam and Chelsie that she loved and adored them both, and that having them as friends in the house was "amazing" and "a blessing" for her.

"That being said, last week I made a decision based off loyalty, and this week, I'm going to do the exact same," Makensy announced.

"I came into this house not afraid of competitors and people who win. And somebody who did win and kept me safe and was not afraid of that really helped me. That being said, Cam, I absolutely love you, but I am going to have to evict you."

On his way out the door, Cam wished both of the ladies luck, and then Chelsie cried in Makensy's arms and thanked her for the opportunity.


Cam told Julie in his post-eviction interview that it sucked to be ousted but both Makensy and Chelsie "deserved to be in the Final 2."

When asked if Makensy had made the right choice to propel her to victory, Cam admitted, "I think that it will be very tough to sit next to Chelsie in any part of this game."

Cam added, "She is a preacher; she knows how to talk and she can sway the jury. But I do respect the loyalty decision that [Makensy] made... I left [Big Brother] humbled."

As Juror No. 7, Cam also revealed that had he won the Final HoH competition, he would've taken Chelsie to the Final 2 as promised.

Cam then joined the jury of the following previously-evicted Big Brother houseguests: Quinn, T'Kor, Leah, Angela, Kimo, and Rubina.

During jury questioning, Chelsie was asked if she had deceived and lied a lot in the game to get ahead.

Chelsie explained, "Yes and no," knowing when to speak up or shut up in the Big Brother game. Chelsie said she was wise with the information she had been given by others and when to share it or withhold it.

When asked to share a move she had made on her own -- without Chelsie's guidance -- that solely benefited her own game, Makensy said it was getting Leah out because Leah was a great competitor.


T'Kor announced how Chelsie had "a lot of influence in the game," and Chelsie agreed that her words were powerful and her greatest moves were to use the Veto on Angela and get Quinn out.

"I put in some work to lay out facts as to why Leah should go home and convince Makensy to put up one of her greatest allies, Leah... It may have benefited [Makensy} in the moment, but it benefited me in the long run," Chelsie explained.

"I used the power of my words and my influence in my relationships to make strategic decisions to get me here at the end."


Makensy then argued that her social game got her to the end because when everyone had betrayed Chelsie and left her behind, she stayed loyal to Chelsie and kept her safe many times by winning competitions.

Chelsie proceeded to note how she didn't need to rely on competition wins because she was strategic, social and skillful throughout the game.

But Chelsie reminded the jury, "I won the most HoH competitions of the season, I've put up 12 nominees and eight houseguests, which is half the house -- yet still, I've only seen the block once since Day 38. So I played a competitive game. I won when I wanted to, not when I had to. I didn't have to win... because my social game was so strong."

Chelsie also yelled about how she's a Super Fan who simply deserved to win.

But Makensy insisted she was a competition beast who had sent Tucker home, which allowed her to win competitions and get to the end. Makensy also reminded her houseguests, "I had a target on my back walking into this house. I was in a showmance, I had an alliance formed against me."

Makensy continued, "I was put on the block because I was a D1 athlete and was viewed as a physical threat in this house. I was put up against the biggest threats in the house, the men, and I'm still here."


Both Chelsie and Makensy said they had played a "dang good game," and the jury appeared to agree.

Chelsie wrapped up jury questioning by calling her game "a diamond," saying it was "beautiful" on all sides, facets and aspects.

Chelsie and Makensy were each allowed a final speech, and they repeated most of what they had said during the jury questioning.

Chelsie said she had started the game on the bottom but positioned herself, socially, to work with people who would take her to the end, even if she couldn't win competitions. Chelsie said she had aligned with Makensy and Cam, knowing they'd both take her to the end.

"I had six competition wins. [Makensy] has had more wins, but she's also played seven more competitions than me this season," Chelsie shared.

"I've been watching this game since I was 13... I played smart, and winning this game would change my life!"


Makensy voiced how her game spoke for itself and she had to adjust and maneuver throughout the game. Makensy had been on the chopping block four times, which is why she claimed she had to win more competitions than Chelsie.

"I've stayed loyal, a respectful game, and a graceful game... I treated everyone kindly and I played the best I could," Makensy explained, adding how she chose to protect Chelsie along the way and bring her to the end because she wasn't afraid of her.


The jury then voted for the winner of Big Brother, and every juror member voted for Chelsie to win.

Chelsie had tears in her eyes as confetti fell from above and the jury congratulated and hugged the new Big Brother champion.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.