Chris Harrison admits Jesse Kovacs did everything possible on Bachelor in Paradise to ruin his reputation.
Kovacs was criticized by his fellow contestants for hooking up with both Christy Hansen and Lucy Aragon on the show and not taking the dating experience seriously. Viewers saw an even more in-depth look into Kovacs, as the bachelor had called Hansen a "dumb blonde" and referred to Aragon as "what's her nuts" in confessionals. Kovacs also admitted he wasn't trying to invest in any certain relationship -- he was just interested in getting a rose to stick around in paradise longer.
"Once he realized he wasn't getting a rose he decided to shame and guilt Christy and leave on his own accord," Harrison wrote.
"Some of the ladies rallied around Christy and had her confront Jesse before he could sneak away, but it really wasn't much of a confrontation. [Michelle Money] and [Lacy Faddoul] did all they could to help and support her, but Christy just couldn't articulate her thoughts and feelings when she needed to most. But she did nail him with one final thought before he could get away 'have a safe flight...' damn, burn."
However, Harrison is convinced Kovacs' mindset wasn't shared with most of the guys on Bachelor in Paradise.
"The good news is that there are still plenty of men and women here for more legitimate, sincere reasons. [Cody Sattler] in one of those sincere men who is looking for love and apparently he's found it. He told Michelle he's in love with her and it absolutely freaked her out. It freaked her out so much that she apparently lost her mind and went to Jesse, of all people, to get dating advice," the show host explained.
"[Marcus Grodd] has already expressed his love for Lacy but she's never said it herself until now -- kind of? She told Marcus she was falling in love with him. Is that the same thing? How will she know when the fall is complete? The good news is Marcus doesn't care because he has stars in his eyes and is head over heels in love with this woman, and I know Lacy truly cares for him, too."
Sarah Herron was also falling in love with Robert Graham although Brooks Forester presented a little speed bump in the road.
"Brooks was the first new arrival this week, and it sent Sarah into a tailspin. Yes, the girl that was begging for love, a date and attention from one of the guys and seems to have found it with Robert now has her eyes on Brooks. It took all of two seconds for Sarah to want to drop Robert like third period French and go after Brooks. In fact she was about to dump the poor guy when he pulled an ace out of his sleeve with the note and the date on the beach. Suddenly Sarah was the happiest, luckiest girl in the world," Harrison said.
Jackie Parr's relationship on the show came down to a "battle" between Forester and Zack Kalter.
"The battle for Jackie's attention raged on between Zack and Brooks. Brooks was about to pull a smooth move and take Jackie out that night when Zack got a date card and killed the drill. Zack took Jackie out and it proved to be the death knell for Brooks. Zack and Jackie hit it off, and he made the most of his time," Harrison wrote in his EW blog.
"Hey, guys: Did you notice that Zack didn't ask Jackie if it was okay to kiss her? He actually took the initiative and kissed the woman. I know it's a crazy concept. As I said, this was the end for Brooks, who had just arrived here in Paradise. It was a good horse race, but Zack took over down the stretch and finished strong. I wonder what would've happened if Brooks had arrived a few weeks earlier before Sarah and Robert had solidified their connection."

Harrison also teased what's to come in next week's Bachelor in Paradise finale episode.
"As you saw in the previews, everything is about to change in Paradise. This was the last rose ceremony. No more date cards and no more dates... well, that's not exactly true," Harrison hinted.
"Many have questioned how all this ends. What I can tell you is that these relationships are about to be put to the test and only the strongest will survive. It is a finale that will be unlike anything you have ever seen before on our show. You won't want to miss the final night in Paradise next Monday!"
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski