'Married at First Sight' Couples: Where are they now? Who's still together? Who's remarried? (PHOTOS)
Cortney Hendrix and Jason Carrion - Season 1
Final Decision: Stayed Together
Current Status: Divorced
Photo credit: FYI
Cortney Hendrix and Jason Carrion appeared on Season 1 of Married at First Sight.
Although Cortney found it difficult to be married to a firefighter and Jason was dealing with his mother's failing health, the couple decided to stay together at the end of the experiment.
Cortney and Jason also later starred on Married at First Sight: The First Year, which wrapped in 2016.
However, after five years of marriage, Cortney and Jason announced in early 2019 that they had decided to divorce.
"In feb 2019 Jason and I filed for divorce," Cortney wrote in an Instagram posting on March 28, 2019, noting that the "court of Kings County New York acknowledged at least a 6 month separation."
Cortney continued, "We asked for privacy this entire time bc we were trying to figure it all out. At one point we thought we were going to divorce in order to date and start all over the right way."
"We have decided together to move on in different paths, but that doesn't mean we don't have love for each other. He will always have a special place in my heart and life."
Cortney later moved to North Carolina and debuted her new boyfriend Sherm on Instagram in June 2019.
And in March 2020, Cortney announced she and Sherm had gotten engaged!
"God has showed up in such a big way in our lives. I did not know that this is what love felt like," Cortney, who now lives in Raleigh, NC, told People.
"After everything we both had been through, we didn't know it was possible. We are both grateful for our past because it let us to each other, made us grow through some of the darkest times and prepared us for this relationship and a lifetime of love and partnership."
Meanwhile, Jason began dating Roxanne Pallett, a British actress who has also appeared on several U.K. reality series, including Celebrity Big Brother.
The couple announced their engagement in December 2019 -- only ten months after Jason and Cortney filed for divorce, and less than a year after Roxanne reportedly ended her relationship with her ex-fiance Lee Walton, a British steelworker.
The couple reportedly exchanged handwritten vows during an intimate ceremony at Lutheran Evangelical Church in New York City.
"I couldn't have asked for a more memorable and incredible wedding day. Watching her walk down the aisle as I took her hand in marriage was one of the most significant moments in my life," Jason told Britain's The Sun newspaper.
"I have finally found my person, the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with."