A young cow will have a new home at a New Jersey sanctuary after escaping from a slaughterhouse in New York and running loose through the streets of Brooklyn.

Vincent Fontana, owner of Original Pizza, said the small black cow escaped from a vehicle just outside the nearby Saba Live Poultry slaughterhouse in Brooklyn.

"The people from the slaughterhouse, they were trying to lasso it and get it into the truck, but she was feisty, she didn't want to go," Fontana told WABC-TV.

Original Pizza employees and members of the public joined in the chase, eventually wrangling the 4-month-old calf back into the truck.

Mike Stura, owner of Skylands Animal Sanctuary in New Jersey, contacted the slaughterhouse about giving the cow a new home. He said the slaughterhouse was initially resistant to the idea, but later agreed.

"Even slaughterhouse workers over the years that have given me animals, much bigger animals than this one, and have taken a much bigger financial hit and have said to me that they're happy the animal came with me," Stura said. "They are happy to see one live. You know, even the people in the slaughterhouses."

Fontana said he was glad to hear the calf would have a happy ending.

"I think she deserves it. I think she earned it," Fontana said.