Olympic gold medalist and current Dancing with the Stars contestant Shawn Johnson has been granted a three-year restraining order against the alleged stalker who attempted to sneak onto the set of the ABC dance reality series to meet and possibly abduct her.


The request was granted by a judge in a Los Angeles court on Tuesday with the 17-year old Johnson's parents present along with their attorney Laura Stone, according to Access Hollywood. Robert O'Ryan, the 34-year-old alleged stalker, was not present and remains in custody.

"The intent of the order is to have Shawn and her family be protected from this person," Stone told Access. "The next thing is going to be a preliminary hearing in the criminal case [against O'Ryan]."

O'Ryan was arrested on March 24 when private security officers stopped him after he'd jumped a fence at the Los Angeles studios where Dancing with the Stars' live broadcasts are recorded.

When caught, he initially told the officers he had come to the set to meet Johnson, but then changed his story and claimed he had come to meet fellow Dancing with the Stars contestant Stephen "Steve-O" Glover after Johnson was contacted and said she did not know him.


A similar contact was made with Glover's people as well, who also said they did not know O'Ryan, causing the security officers to then contact Los Angeles police.

Once they arrived and searched O'Ryan's car, the police found Johnson memorabilia, two loaded guns -- one shotgun and one Colt .45 handgun -- and a collection of materials that could be used for kidnapping someone, including duct tape and zip ties, according to the court documents Johnson's mother Teri later filed in order to obtain a temporary restraining order against O'Ryan last month.

After his arrest, O'Ryan pleaded not guilty to three charges of stalking and carrying loaded firearms.  However days later, it was discovered that O'Ryan -- who drove cross-country from Yullee, FL to Los Angeles in his quest to meet Johnson -- had been pulled over and ticketed for driving with an expired registration and no proof of insurance in Loxley, AL.

During the traffic stop, O'Ryan told the Alabama police officer that he was going to "see a friend."

"Her name is Shawn Johnson... she's an Olympic gymnast. She's on TV now," O'Ryan told the officer, according to police-released video footage of the traffic stop.


"I'm meeting her there.  I've been communicating with her... and basically I'm gonna try and get her to marry me," O'Ryan continued.  "I know it sounds a little bit crazy, but my intuition tells me that we're gonna have a beautiful relationship together."

O'Ryan also told the officer that he had spoken to Johnson in his dreams, according to Access.  He later allegedly made similar statements to the Los Angeles police after his arrest.

"[After he was arrested he told the police that he had] packed all his belongings [and] permanently left Florida to drive across the country because be believes [Shawn] is speaking to him personally through the television via ESP and that he will be with her no matter what," Teri Johnson wrote in her temporary restraining order request last month.

About The Author: John Bracchitta
John Bracchitta is an entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and covers the reality TV genre.