DeMario Jackson will be conducting an interview on E! this week in which he'll open up about how the Bachelor in Paradise scandal has affected his life.
DeMario will sit down with E! News reporter Melanie Bromley for his emotional and candid interview.
DeMario will explain what really happened in Mexico with his co-star Corinne Olympios when ABC commenced filming Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise earlier this month. He will also address rumors and talk about how media scrutiny and the shocking allegations have impacted his family.
"It was stressful. For me, but mostly for my mother," DeMario said of being accused of horrible actions.
"It's hard to see your mom, like, cry -- every single day. It was very difficult. My grandmother, my aunts. My dad, he kept me extremely strong and he kept me grounded and humble. But having your mom cry every day over something you know you didn't do."
According to the network, DeMario will discuss the details of the incident, the morning after and the days that followed. He will also confirm what physical relations he and Corinne actually had in light of sources claiming they engaged in oral sex in a public pool and more.
DeMario will also apparently touch upon what he feels led to the escalation of events in Paradise.
Bachelor in Paradise began filming its fourth season on June 4 but shut down production on June 7 due to allegations of "misconduct." A show producer allegedly filed a complaint with Warner Bros. over a sexual encounter between DeMario and Corinne in which Corinne appeared too intoxicated to provide proper consent.
In the days that followed, Corinne called herself a "victim" dealing with "physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening" in Paradise, but DeMario released a statement saying his character had been "assassinated with false claims and malicious allegations." He was even allegedly fired from his job.
Many Bachelor in Paradise cast members picked a side, and Corinne's friends Jasmine Goode and Raven Gates supported DeMario with reputation-shattering, on-the-record comments about Corinne, who allegedly behaved promiscuously and had a boyfriend back home during filming.
Warner Bros. then announced on June 20 that the investigation was complete and no evidence of wrongdoing was found. With that said, Bachelor in Paradise would continue production and still air this summer on ABC.
Corinne's legal team, however, insisted it would continue its own investigation, suggesting justice had not been served.

As reported late last week, the entire original Bachelor in Paradise cast returned to Mexico to resume filming, with the exception of DeMario and Corinne.
Excluding the pair at the center of controversy, Bachelor in Paradise's original cast was comprised of Amanda, Raven, Jasmine, Taylor Nolan, Robby Hayes, Vinny Ventiera, Alexis Waters, Derek Peth, Kristina Schulman, Lacey Mark, Nick Benvenutti, Danielle Maltby, and Ben Zorn.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski