More details have emerged on Justin's eviction from the house Wednesday after he held a knife to a fellow player's throat. According to CBS, Justin "was asked to leave after the incident and a three-hour discussion with a psychologist."


Shortly after midnight, Justin was talking and kissing in the kitchen with Krista, a 28-year-old waitress from Opelousas, La. Without warning, he grabbed a knife, held it to her neck and said, "Hang on, I'm going to slash your throat. Would you get mad if I just killed you?" according to CBS. Krista wasn't threatened and Justin later insisted he was only joking, said Arnold Shapiro, the show's executive producer.

But since it was the third time Justin had exhibited intimidating behavior and was warned to knock it off, he was gone, Shapiro said. "We just determined that even though he was telling us that it was his sense of humor and he keeps telling us he's not violent, the fact that he did that is inappropriate behavior," he said. "He crossed the line."

Previously, Justin was warned about derogatory comments made toward women and after he got into an argument with another contestant about a pillow. He had made no secret that bluster and intimidation were part of his style. Shapiro said the reasons for Justin's departure would be discussed on the show's next edition Thursday night, but he wasn't sure if the tape of the event will be shown. It's also not clear whether Justin will appear to give his side of the story.

Source: AP Entertainment