Donald Glover released his last Childish Gambino album Friday, saying farewell to the alter ego that won him multiple Grammy awards.

In Brando Stone & The New World, Glover creates the soundtrack to a film that explores how apocalyptic world events impact a musician living on a secluded island.

A teaser for that project shows a confused Stone (Glover) searching for others in a seemingly deserted town until he is confronted by a woman (Jessica Allain) in an empty convenience store. The trailer then follows the pair, along with the woman's son, as they outrun various disasters that pursue them on the island.

"What are you when the world ends?" the teaser asks.

The 17-track album will be the last from Childish Gambino.

"It really was just like, 'Oh, it's done.' It's not fulfilling. And I just felt like I didn't need to build in this way anymore," he told The New York Times of this decision, citing mounting commitments to his various other endeavors.

Glover, 40, created the FX series Atlanta and the production company Gilga.

"Success to me is, honestly, being able to put out a wide-scale album that I would listen to. For this album, I really wanted to be able to play big rooms and have big, anthemic songs that fill those rooms, so that people feel a sense of togetherness," he said in that interview.

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Bando Stone & The New World comes on the heels of his Altavista album, released in May, and just before his new world tour in August.