Apple TV+ announced Monday that it has renewed The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy for a second season. Season 1 premiered Feb. 23 and all episodes are now streaming.

Season 1 took Levy to exotic locations in Finland, South Africa, Costa Rica, Venice, Utah, the Maldives, Lisbon and Tokyo. Season 2 will focus on Europe according to Apple TV+.

"After experiencing Season 1, I've come to realize it's true what they say about travel broadening the mind -- and, I guess my mind could still take some broadening," Levy said in a statement. "So I'm packing my suitcase once again and looking forward -- with a healthy dose of trepidation -- to whatever adventures lie in store. "

The travel show was so named because of Levy's genuine hesitance to venture out of his comfortable settings. Levy spoke to UPI about his experiences hiking in the Costa Rican rainforest and going on safari in South Africa prior to the airing of Season 1.

Levy added that he found being himself on camera more challenging than playing any fictional character.

Apple TV+ did not set a start date for production or a potential air date for Season 2.