Survivor: Worlds Apart's newly-merged Merica tribe eliminated Kelly Remington during Wednesday night's sixth episode of the CBS reality competition's 30th season.  


Kelly, a 44-year-old state trooper from Grand Island, NY, was the seventh person voted out of the game. Her new Merica tribe got her out on Night 19 at the season's seventh Tribal Council session.

Kelly was eliminated only because Jenn Brown had decided to play her hidden Immunity Idol, which was a brilliant move considering seven people had cast their votes against her. Four castaways voted for Kelly, so since the votes for Jenn didn't count, Kelly was given the boot. Only one person voted for Hali Ford.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Thursday, Kelly talked about her Survivor experience. Below is the concluding portion. Click here to read the first half.

Reality TV World: Tyler Fredrickson and Carolyn Rivera were obviously very tight at this point in the game but were set on hiding that from everyone because they didn't want to appear to be a power couple like Rodney Lavoie Jr. and Joaquin Souberbielle had been. Did they do a good job of that? Did you have any inkling those two were as close as they were?


Kelly Remington: Carolyn did tell me that when we were separated, that her and Tyler were very tight. But when we got back, they played it cool. They weren't, you know, like a Rodney and Joaquin. They weren't real tight.

They were kind of like [Mike Holloway] and I were. They were keeping it cool, keeping it down, and downplaying it so that no one knew. Once you do start to have that tight of an alliance with people, they are going to try to split you up. But I didn't realize how tight they were at that point.

Reality TV World: Rodney's anger and willingness to flip the game upside down is clearly all because his Blue Collars voted out Joaquin behind his back in a plan orchestrated by Mike when Joe Anglim was supposed to be the vote. Do you think getting rid of Joe would've been the smart move after all in order to keep the Blues strong -- or do you think it was more important to break up the Rodney and Joaquin bromance?

Kelly Remington: No, I think they should've gotten rid of Joe, because the other tribe -- because [Jenn Brown] and [Hali Ford] and Joe were extremely tight. So I think it would've been better for us, in the longrun looking back, yes, we probably should have gotten rid of Joe. And then when we merged, they probably wouldn't have played that idol the way they did last night.

Reality TV World: After you exited the game, it was seven against four, with your alliance having the majority. But if Rodney and Will Sims II choose to flip based on what the previews showed, the No Collars would have the numbers. Upon leaving the game, what did you guess might happen going forward?


Kelly Remington: I think you're going to see Rodney getting probably more upset with Mike, not liking his gameplay possibly, because they are strong personalities -- If I had to think [of what might happen].

And maybe Will won't stick with Rodney because he's such a hothead. I mean, it's day to day out there, hour by hour. So things change in a minute. Sometimes people -- if you eat too much rice, "Alright, you're out of here! We can't take you. We don't want you here anymore."

It just changes minute by minute, but you don't know. So you could see Rodney maybe not wanting to work with the Blues or you could see Will not wanting to work with Rodney -- and Rodney might not know what's coming down the line.

Reality TV World: If Rodney and Will went through with the plan of flipping together, do you think they'll 100% be on the bottom of the No Collar alliance? If that were the case, it would seem like a bad strategic move for them to make.

Kelly Remington: Yes, I think you're right. I think if they do decide to go that way, that would not be a good strategic move for either one of them. And I think they would probably realize that with the Blue Collars, so they wouldn't want to go with the No Collars. They'd definitely be at the bottom of the food chain.


Reality TV World: If Rodney and Will decided to stick with the Blue Collars, what do you think the pecking order would be? Do you think Rodney would be set with them for a couple or several votes, or do you think he'd be at the bottom of that alliance as well?

Kelly Remington: No, I think Rodney would be safe for a while. A lot of people don't like Rodney out there. He's a loud mouth, he has a strong personality. So I think they would keep Rodney for a while because that's who you want to take.

You don't want to take the likables to the end because the jury will vote for them if you do. So, if I were them, I would want to take Rodney. Even though he's annoying sometimes, I would want to take him further down.

That's how I would play it, but you never know, maybe his attitude gets him in trouble. They might be like, "We can't take you anymore. Let's get rid of you now." But, no, I think if Rodney does play his cards right and just simmer down, they might take him further.

Reality TV World: How do you think the Blue Collars would view Will going forward if he stuck with them? Obviously he followed through with exactly what Mike had asked of him.


Kelly Remington: Yeah, Will's in now! Will is in with the Blue Collars. He proved himself last night that he's willing to go with the Blues, but again, Will is not a strong player. Will is just someone that sits there and just rides the coattails of the other strong players.

So he might be another one that's a keeper and just hangs on and sits back and watches. He's not strong. He's not going to win immunity because he's not that strong in any of the challenges, like myself. So you might just see him sit there and see what happens. But again, the Blue Collars might want to only take him so far and then get rid of him because he's a No Collar.

Reality TV World: During last week's episode, Mike threw the Immunity Challenge so your tribe could win and he could keep you safe. Do you think you really were the next person to go if you had lost or had you gotten in good enough with most of your tribe they'd want to keep you? 

Kelly Remington: No, I think if they didn't throw that, I'd definitely -- probably -- be gone. And I think that they knew the merge was coming and they didn't want another Blue Collar to get together. It would be all five of us back together at once.

So I definitely think I would've been the next one to go, yes, in my mind. If we lost, I would've had to do some major pleading with the girls to keep me and tell them why they needed to keep me. If he didn't throw it, I think I probably would've been going home that night.

Reality TV World: Did Mike's decision to throw the challenge shock you? It just seemed so risky. If you were in his shoes, would you have even thought about doing the same thing?

Kelly Remington: No, absolutely. We discussed before our tribes got separated that if anyone got separated, we'd throw the challenge to get us all back. I was shocked because you don't throw challenges. This is Survivor; You don't do that regardless. You know, sorry you're in the other tribe now but it's every man for himself.

So it did shock me and then it really brought home, like, "Wow, they really do have my back. This is amazing! This tribe really wants me and they'll do anything to get me back." So I was shocked and I was -- it was just the best feeling out there when they threw it, knowing I can finally get back to my tribe.

Reality TV World: Lindsey Cascaddan previously told me she's completely convinced a Blue Collar player will win this game. Do you agree with her?

Kelly Remington: I 100% completely agree with Lindsey that, yes, a Blue Collar is going to win this game.

Reality TV World: How were you cast on Survivor? How did you end up on the show?


Kelly Remington: I sent one video in about three or four years ago and they held onto it. I guess I was just the type they were looking for this season. So, it was just a three-minute video I put it. My neighbors help me make it, and here I am! They called me three/four years later.

Click here to read the first half of Kelly's exclusive Survivor interview with Reality TV World.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.