Trevor Wadleigh and Chris Marchant were eliminated from The Amazing Race during the sixth episode of the CBS reality competition's 30th season on Wednesday night.


The "Dating Couple and Musicians" became the fifth team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after arriving at the sixth leg's Pit Stop at Letenske Park in Prague, Czech Republic, in last place.

"If we have to go out, I'd rather it be because of a U-Turn instead of something that we did terribly wrong," Chris said following his team's ouster, referencing how Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf had U-Turned them during the leg and therefore forced them to complete both sides of the Detour.

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Thursday, Trevor and Chris talked about their The Amazing Race experience and elimination. Below is the first half of what they had to say.

Reality TV World: It appeared you go to the Pit Stop mat only minutes behind Jessica and Cody. What was the time gap? How long after Big Brother did you arrive at the park?


Chris Marchant: I think -- we don't know the actual minute number, but I think it was pretty close.

Trevor Wadleigh: Yeah, it was pretty close. It ended up being much closer than we thought it was going to be.

Reality TV World: When you were running to the Pit Stop, were you certain you were in last place or did you have hope another team was still behind you?

Trevor Wadleigh: There's always hope that something happened. This is awful, (laughs) but there's hope something catastrophic happened to another team to set us up for not being in last place. So you always have that in the back of your mind, but we were pretty definite that we were coming in last.

Chris Marchant: However, we thought there might have been a Head-to-Head at the last challenge so someone might be there still.


Reality TV World: That would have been lucky.

Chris Marchant: It would have been very dramatic! (Laughs)

Trevor Wadleigh: After a U-Turn as well.

Reality TV World: Is it safe to say your demise was being U-Turned, or was there another circumstance or mistake that contributed to your last-place finish, like getting lost or taking the subway when you could've taken a taxi to the Pit Stop?

Trevor Wadleigh: I think the U-Turn definitely, but also living in an era in which we're so reliant on our cell phone and GPS. I'm kind of joking. Definitely the U-Turn was the factor, but navigation wasn't our strong point in other legs.


So I mean, it was really that we met our end in [Arenes d'Arles] when we were trying to navigate to the [Full of Bull] Detour. I mean, that set us up for being on the later flight, which resulted in the U-Turn.

Reality TV World: You two finished the astronomical-lecture Detour task after two attempts, while it took Eric Guiffreda and Daniel Guiffreda nine. Do you guys just have excellent memories or did you execute some type of strategy for that?

Chris Marchant: I think both of us have pretty strong memories, but it was funny, in our first attempt, we didn't even know if we were answering the questions correctly. Because we didn't know you failed immediately if you answered one of them wrong. So we had no idea going through the first attempt if we were passing or failing.

Trevor Wadleigh: Exactly. So we didn't know if it was just that one answer that was incorrect, so we had to listen to the whole lecture very instantly to make sure that we didn't mess anything up while we were trying to hear if our other answers were correct. So it looked like we were victorious, but we were still -- we didn't know...

Chris Marchant: We didn't know we were doing well. (Laughs)


Trevor Wadleigh: Exactly. We didn't know we were doing well until we got the next clue.

Reality TV World: So how long did it take you to complete the lecture Detour task? And how about the beer keg task? Because you seemed to get through the keg one quickly and efficiently as well.

Chris Marchant: I think the school Detour didn't take us that long. It was a 12-minute lecture and we sat through it one-and-a-half times. And as soon as we had that one answer that we missed, we left, and so it was maybe 25 minutes at the lecture.

And then the beer went super well too. I guess we had a little trouble, like everyone else too, finding the [party boat] on the river. That was tricky. But other than that, the challenges were pretty smooth sailing.

Reality TV World: Jessica and Cody ran a pretty aggressive race. Brittany Austin got played by Jessica a couple of times, and you two were obviously U-Turned by them. How do you feel about their approach to the Race? Do you give them props or maybe think they took things a little too far?

Trevor Wadleigh: You can look at them as villainous and dirty, but what would be the other option? Like, "Oh, please, go ahead," and not be cunning? And not try to win a million dollars? That's just the game you have to play. If they didn't U-Turn us, then they would be in last.

Chris Marchant: I would have to agree with their gameplay strategy. It was totally right. We would have done the same thing. Because if they hadn't U-Turned us, we wouldn't have beaten them as far as the times of the challenges and traveling around. We would've beaten those, so it was definitely a good move on their part.

Reality TV World: Often times when teams run that type of race, a target is on their backs and their actions come back to bite them. Did you predict that was going to happen to Jessica and Cody, like they were setting themselves up to be U-Turned down the road or something like that?

Trevor Wadleigh: No one seemed vindictive in their actions, and we also knew no one else had been U-Turned that day before we got there. So people weren't looking to be like, "Screw you, I'm going to do this" at the thought of, like, getting you back and retribution or something like that.

Everyone was kind of good in that way. Also, I think it's important to think about the kind of cast it was, and all of these cast members have come from careers where they've been very competitive with other people, but there have been standards for their competition.

So, if you're a race car driver, it's not about cheating or screwing over other people or having hate for someone who beats you. It's more about a competition within yourself rather than with other people.


So I don't think we'll see this cast have these moments of, like, "You're going to play dirty? Well I'm going to screw you over!" I think it's going to be [people] doing their best, and I think if something is going to save you from elimination, then I think people will do what they need to do to stay alive and not be as cunning as possible.

Reality TV World: And from what I've heard from other teams, the cast is pretty friendly with each other. Racers are willing to help each other out pretty often.

Chris Marchant: Yeah, it was quite a collaborative crew. I think, like Trevor was saying, everyone comes from a background of competition, and I think we all had a lot of respect for one another and what each individual brought to the Race. And that kind of created a collaborative experience.

I think Jessica and Cody seem the least likely to fall into that category. They were maybe the most compartmentalized from the rest of the crew, so that wasn't really part of their strategy, like building alliances. They were more on their own and doing what they had to do.

Be sure to check back with Reality TV World soon for the concluding portion of our exclusive The Amazing Race interview with Trevor and Chris.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.