The Food Network will stop airing reruns of "Molto Mario," a U.S. culinary show starring Italian-American master chef Mario Batali, said Friday.
New episodes of the series Batali has presented for nearly a decade haven't been taped in three years, however, "Molto Mario," has been seen in constant reruns and raised the profile of the network, while making Batali one of the world's most recognizable chefs.
Batali owns 14 restaurants in New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, has written several best-selling cookbooks, secured a sponsorship deal with NASCAR and is reportedly in talks with PBS to produce a special on Spanish cuisine.
"Mario Batali is still part of the Food Network family," Carrie Welch, a Food Network spokeswoman assured "Sometimes family members go off and do other things. We completely blessed his decision to go to PBS and he is still going to appear on 'Iron Chef America.'"
Insiders have said the decision to take the show off the air is part of the Food Network's plan to replace older personalities with fresher faces and more reality-style programming.