Chantal O'Brien did not find love with the fifteenth-season The Bachelor star Brad Womack, but she reportedly has found her happy ending with another man, Jeff Razore, and is happily engaged.


"Chantal's engaged to a wealthy guy who gave her a four-carat engagement ring," a source close to O'Brien told

"She really was in love with Brad and was completely heartbroken when that didn't work out, but now she really knows everything happens for a reason."

The former The Bachelor runner-up -- who had failed to receive Womack's final rose and the marriage proposal he offered fellow bachelorette Emily Maynard instead -- had reportedly already signed contracts to serve as the current The Bachelorette star over Ashley Hebert earlier this year.

However, according to a show insider, the show's plans for O'Brien got derailed when the former bachelorette ended up finding love on her own while her The Bachelor season was airing on ABC, reported.


O'Brien had also told RealityTVWorld in March The Bachelorette would have presented her with a great opportunity had she not been seriously invested in Razore.

"I definitely would have loved to do the show had I not been in a relationship. I think it's an amazing opportunity... it's definitely a different way of doing it. But I believe it can work," O'Brien explained.

"It was never really an option to be The Bachelorette because of that fact that I was in a relationship, and my relationship came about very unplanned. It was something where I met this person through a mutual friend and it completely caught me by surprise, but it was obviously a very good surprise."

However, O'Brien still reportedly has a shot at starring on The Bachelorette if her current relationship takes a drastic turn.

"The offer is still on the table if things don't work with her guy now," the source told the website.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.