Houseguests from past seasons of "Big Brother" are to return to the U.S. reality competition series in an upcoming episode, CBS said Friday.
The former houseguests are to take part in a competition that will be broadcast on the network Sunday.
Set to return and listed in chronological order by season: are "Chicken George" Boswell, Bunky Miller, Amy Crews Ouellette, Jun Song, Jase Wirey, Janelle Pierzina, Mike "Boogie" Malin, Jen Johnson, Matt McDonald and Brian Hart.
"The (current cast of) 'Big Brother 10' houseguests will be positioned inside the house, while the past seasons' houseguests will be in the backyard," CBS said in a press release. "A former houseguest will challenge a 'Big Brother 10' houseguest to guess if a statement made about a current event is in the news or not. If the houseguest answers correctly, they win food for one day of the week or a luxury prize for the house. If they guess incorrectly, the former houseguest will win a cash prize."