Are you a single, attractive, outgoing, and energetic woman age 21-30 who is looking to meet Mr. Right? Or are you a single, outgoing, and personable (notice no mention of the work "attractive" there folks) man age 25-35 who has always wanted to date a beautiful woman, but hasn't been so lucky? (likely because of above noted absence of the adjective "attractive.")

Unattractive men everywhere, here's your chance to date a gorgeous woman. For all the pretty women out there who claim to be interested in a guy "who can make me laugh, etc." apparently this is your chance to put up or shut up. FOX and a production company have announced that they are taking casting submission for their new upcoming new "Love Spell," a one hour primetime reality special and they are looking to cast this show very quickly -- within the next two weeks.

According to the release, "expert casting directors" have scoured (or apparently more accurately, are currently scouring) the nation to find the "most eligible bachelors that America has to offer." The program is looking for single men who have always been the dating underdog, but are now ready to level the playing field. If you want to embark on the ultimate romantic experience of a lifetime, then call 818-563-4131 or e-mail them at Open calls will also be held on June 12th, 17th, and 19th from 10AM-noon. Contact them (not us) for more information (such as locations, etc.)