Think you�re a know-it-all? Want to prove once and for all that you are, in fact, smarter than everyone you know? Put your money where your mouth is when FOX airs the live two-hour special TEST THE NATION Friday, April 11 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT).


This live special will put years of family arguments to rest, once and for all, when viewers are given the chance to calculate their own I.Q.s by taking the I.Q. test from home while watching a live studio audience take the test on-air. Test results of the studio audience participants will be tabulated to provide a statistical analysis of America�s smartest people, including factors such as where in the country they live (is San Francisco smarter than Chicago?), and sex (are women smarter than men?).

According to executive producer Phil Gurin, �It�s not a game show, there are no prizes. Instead, we�ll find out if New York is smarter than Boston, if you are smarter than your friends � everyone will have their own results after they�ve taken the test.� The test will be administered live from the studio by two co-hosts, one who presents the test and another who interacts with the in-studio participants taking the test on-air. In-studio participants will include a cross-section of the U.S. population as well as celebrities, politicians, athletes, professionals and students.

A version of TEST THE NATION has had successful runs in many worldwide territories including the UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and Turkey, with specials for other international territories currently being developed. Questions for the US special TEST THE NATION will be selected by a panel of experts and customized for an American audience.

The FOX special TEST THE NATION is produced by The Gurin Company. Phil Gurin and Marc Jansen are executive producers. Reinout Oerlemans is the executive producer for Eyeworks.