Girls Gone Wild: The Untold Story is a new, three-part documentary series that will examine the story of Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis.


"A virtual ground zero for 'bro culture,' the company originally presented itself as a series of tapes featuring the 'girl next door' having a wild time at spring break," a synopsis said. "But what was truly happening under the surface was much darker, including allegations of sexual coercion and exploitation."

The series will feature fragments of an almost nine-hour interview with Francis. Other people who worked for him will also also share their experiences.

"I never thought that that would come back and haunt me," said one woman in the preview. "For 20 years."

The trailer ends with a woman asking Francis if he has any guilt for what he's done.


Jamila Wigeon directs.

Girls Gone Wild: The Untold Story premieres on Peacock on Dec. 3.