Monday's animated Google Doodle, which is made of clay, shows two woodland creatures and a friendly-looking ghost enjoying S'mores treats by campfire.

A bear, a squirrel and the spirit can be seen building the snacks with melted marshmallows and chocolate in between graham crackers.

According to Google, it was on this day in 1925 that an article called "Patrol Leaders Have Outing" was published describing a new snack being made at the Girl Scouts' Camp Andree.

Originally known as a "graham cracker sandwich," the treat eventually was dubbed "s'mores," short for "some more."

"While traditional s'mores are only three ingredients, some have gotten creative and built on the recipe with caramel, jam, peanut butter, or cookies," Google's website said. "However you fire them up, enjoy a s'more to give summer a proper farewell!"