A Massachusetts 17-year-old youth was sentenced to 11 months juvenile detention to hacking into Paris Hilton's cell phone account.


He's also banned from possessing or using anything capable of accessing the Internet for two years after he turns 18.

Officials would not identify the youth because of his age, but said he is believed to be the youngest member of a hacking group responsible for a series of electronic crimes, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The youth pleaded guilty to breaking into stealing photos and phone numbers from the hotel heiress and posting them on the Internet.

The boy also pleaded guilty to making bomb threats at two high schools and hacking a phone company's computer system to set up free cellular accounts for friends. He also attacked the data-collection firm LexisNexis Group that exposed personal records of more than 300,000 consumers, the Post said.


Prosecutors said the teens' victims suffered about $1 million in damages.

The Justice Department said it is continuing its investigation of the teen's associates but "it could be some time" before the case is wrapped up.