Bleecker Street released the trailer for Golda on Tuesday. The film opens in theaters Aug. 25.

Helen Mirren plays Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. The film is set in 1973 when Egyptian and Syrian forces attacked Israel on the High Holy Day of Yom Kippur.

Golda portrays the 19 days in which Meir managed the crisis. Liev Schreiber plays U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Nicholas Martin wrote Golda and Guy Nattiv directed. Martin previously wrote the biopic Florence Foster Jenkins.

Mirren and Schreiber have both played historical figures before. Mirren won an Oscar for her role as Queen Elizabeth II in The Queen and also played Catherine the Great, Hedda Hopper, Phil Spector's attorney Linda Kenney Baden and Elizabeth I in movies and miniseries.

Schreiber has played Boston Globe editor Marty Baron in Spotlight, boxer Chuck Wepner, chess master Boris Spassky, President Lyndon B. Johnson and more.

Camille Cottin, Henry Goodman, Emma Davies and Rotem Keinan also star.