The Hills' co-stars Lauren "L.C." Conrad and Heidi Montag have become the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees of reality television, with most fans choosing to support one side or the other with no gray area in between. 


But Audrina Patridge -- Conrad's replacement BFF for Montag -- may be softening her stance on the seemingly never-ending feud.

"I feel bad for Heidi," Patridge told People at Victoria Secret's Phi Beta Pink event on Thursday night.  "Everyone talks so much s**t on her and I just try to stay away from all that, it's not my business anymore."

Patridge's support of Montag isn't completely unwarranted, as the two were actually "friends" before Conrad even came into the picture.

"I didn't know Lauren, but Heidi and me always hung out, and then I became friends with Lauren," Patridge told People.  "I mean, so many things change all the time."


Conrad has alleged that Montag and her fiance Spencer Pratt were responsible for telling the media about a sex tape she made with former boyfriend and ex-Laguna Beach star Jason Wahler.  Conrad claims no such tape exist and Montag refutes ever starting the rumor. 

Regardless, Patridge said the entire incident has put the ball in Montag's court if the two are ever to be friends once again.

"If I ran into her I wouldn't go up to her," Patridge told People about Montag.  "[She's] another person who hurt my friend.  If I saw her out and she came up to me to say, 'Hi,' I'd say, 'Hi,' but I'm not going to go out of my way."

About The Author: Christopher Rocchio
Christopher Rocchio is an entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and has covered the reality TV genre for several years.