Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson's mom says money from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" has been placed in trust funds for her girls.
The mother, June Shannon, said the earnings -- estimated to be between $15,000 and $20,000 per episode -- was divided equally in trust funds for all five girls, Alana,7; Lauryn, 12; Jessica, 15; Anna, 18; and infant relative Kaitlyn, reported Sunday.
Shannon said the girls can't touch the funds until they mark their 21st birthday except in case of medical emergencies or schooling.
"I want my kids to look back and say, 'Mama played it smart. Not like those other reality TV people," she told TMZ.
Shannon said TLC, which airs "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," "puts the money into the girls' trust accounts for me and then I get an e-mail telling me how much everyone gets."
The show follows the family mostly in and around their hometown of McIntyre, Ga.
The family first gained fame appearing on TLC's "Toddlers & Tiaras," which follows the lives of child beauty pageant contestants and their families.