Jane Fonda memorialized fitness guru Richard Simmons in an Instagram post she shared Sunday.


Simmons died Saturday, just after turning 76 years old, after complications from a fall. News of his passing has been met with an outpouring of love online.

"Richard Simmons always wanted people to feel good and happy," Fonda said. "He would go out of his way to make people happy. I often wondered if nobody had made him happy when he was a little boy."

She went on to recall the generosity that the TV personality and author often displayed.

"He was generous. He gave of himself, of his time, to make people happy. He once popped out of a huge cake at the launch of some Jane Fonda workout event. That was generous," she wrote.


She remembered her last lunch with Simmons and his partner, saying that she missed his presence in her life.

"I hope he felt the love so many were sending him these last years," she wrote.

Despite stepping out of the spotlight to handle health issues, Simmons expressed his appreciation for the love he'd been receiving as he turned 76.

"I never got so many messages about my birthday in my life," he wrote Friday on X.


And many have shared heartfelt messages online to honor his passing.

"He brought so much joy, happiness and life-changing moments to so many through his unstoppable drive to make a positive difference in people's lives," wrote Gloria Gaynor.

And fitness star Denise Austin said she was heartbroken to learn of his death.

"He is someone I have known and started the aerobics business with over 40 years ago," she wrote on Instagram. "Every time we were together we had so much fun... filled with hugs, laughter and tears... I'll never forget Richard singing through the hallways, hugging my daughters, and even to sending me a letter when my mom passed."


Actress Ricki Lake called him an international treasure.