James Huling has been playing a pretty low-key game this season, as his main goal is just to slide week to week voting with the house majority.
James makes himself known in the house by being a prankster and having a great sense of humor. He's also got a steamy showmance going with the beautiful Natalie Negrotti.
Fans will soon see big things from James because he received the latest advantage from "America's Care Package." At the next live eviction, he'll be able to choose two houseguests whose votes won't count.
Below is a list of 10 facts Reality TV World has compiled about James Huling:
- James was born on May 22, 1984, and his astrological sign is a Gemini.
- The Asian-American houseguest served in the armed forces for six years. He also worked as a retail associate when he was first cast on Big Brother.
- James lost his mother to cancer and his father was unable to care for him, so he ended up being adopted by a Caucasian family in his early teens.
- The BB prankster was born in South Carolina and later moved to Wichita Falls, Texas.
- He loves his Southern roots and worked as a corrections officer in a prison for three years.
- James likes to pop out of random places and scare people on Big Brother. He also loves to make a big mess.
- The houseguest is a big flirt! On his first season, he repeatedly tried to begin a showmance with fellow alliance member Meg Maley but did not succeed.
- On BB17, James placed seventh when he was voted out of the house in a double eviction episode. On finale night, however, he won the "America's Favorite Houseguest" award.

- James refers to himself as a "hillbilly Asian" and has a cardboard cutout of Taylor Swift.
- He has a biological daughter and also said he had "inherited" an adopted son. He also has a cat named Gizmo.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski