Jared Fogle was once one of TV's most popular spokespersons. His story of overcoming obesity by eating a diet of Subway sandwiches lead him to an endorsement deal in 2000 and made him rich, famous and a trusted public personality. That's until 2015 when he was accused and ultimately convicted of child endangerment with his business partner, Russell Taylor.

A new three-part Investigation Discovery series Jared from Subway: Catching a Monster explores how the formerly obese teenager transformed into the affable spokesperson until his demons couldn't be contained. Interviews with Florida journalist Rochelle Herman who recorded Fogle's sickening confessions and worked with the FBI on the case, and with Taylor's stepdaughters, Hannah and Christian, who were abused by both men, provide a complete portrait of the impact of their crimes.

"ID has always had a rich legacy of bringing incredible true-crime documentary series to the air. "'Jared from Subway: Catching Monster' is a powerful new entry to our ever-growing slate of premium limited event series," said Jason Sarlanis, president of Turner Networks, ID & HLN,Linear and Streaming. "Jared masqueraded as a national hero while hiding a horrific side. We are so grateful to the women who, by courageously sharing their stories are shining a light on this important issue that affects so many families across America."

The trailer starts with, "The story you are about to hear sounds crazy, but I promise you it is all true," says Herman.

Watch the trailer below:

The series three episodes will air back-to-back on ID on March 6 and can also be streamed on Discovery+.