Jocelyn "Joy" McElveen was a liability to whichever crew she was a member of during Expedition challenges, and with finding booty the main goal, the 21-year-old receptionist from West Columbia, SC could no longer be carried and became the sixth buccaneer wannabe cut adrift from Pirate Master during last night's broadcast of the CBS reality competition series.


"I hate losing," said Joy as her Pirate Master voyage came to an end.  "I gave 110%.  And then when you lose, it hits you pretty hard, but then you get up, dust your knees off and keep going."

Pirate Master's sixth episode began with a few members of the crew lamenting the loss of the Picton Castle's former cook, Sean Twomey, who was cut adrift at the last Pirates' Court.  While Sean bid on the Royal Pardon -- which could have saved him from elimination -- he was outbid by Nessa Nemir, a 29-year-old make-up artist from Berkeley, CA, who received help in funding her acquisition of it from Joe Don "J.D." Norton, a 36-year-old smoke jumper from Ft. Wainwright, AK, who she's been flirting with.  While Nessa commented she "must have made a good impression" on J.D. to receive the extra loot, she also realized she was now the "brokest pirate on the ship."

The only people who were really happy to have Sean gone were the Picton Castle's current captain Azmyth Kaminski, a 26-year-old music producer from Los Angeles, CA, and his two officer Ben Fagan, a 23-year-old student/musician from Boston, MA, as well as Jay Hatkow, a 37-year-old automotive-parts salesman from Detroit, MI.  Jay said he felt "exhilarated" that Sean was gone, as the officers and captain were the only men on the ship besides J.D. and Louie Frase, a 43-year-old marina owner from Fishing Creek, MD.  The three in charge hoped this would "pay off" during Expeditions, giving them the physical leg-up.

"Myself and Jay and Ben, we call ourselves the 'Triad,'" said Azmyth.  "And I keep this Triad loyal and befriended simply my personality... There's no reason why I can't feel confident."


While Azmyth, Jay and Ben realized they were growing more powerful on the Picton Castle, it also did not go unnoticed by the ship's crew.   "We really don't know what goes on in them chambers," said Joy as the officers and captain retreated to their private quarters for the night. "Those three men got a plan and a strategy."  J.D., who once ruled the Picton Castle as captain with an iron fist, befriended the women and suggested three of them should take control.

"These three guys are gonna stick together no matter what," said Laurel Schmidt, a 21-year-old glass blower from Los Angeles, CA. "They're gonna take over, they're gonna try to get the other men gone. The women need to step up and win against the captain. Then we'll be able to have an all girls officer group."

As the Picton Castle's crew set sail for the next Expedition the following morning, J.D. realized everyone was "busting [their] asses" except for Azmyth, who was sleeping in the captain's quarters.   "As a captain, Azmyth is junk," said Joe Don. "He doesn't have the leadership qualities that I think a captain should have.  He doesn't have the backbone a captain should have."  When Azmyth finally awoke, he told J.D. he felt "groggy," which only further made J.D. feel like Azmyth had to be taken "out of power."  Azmyth then personally apologized to Laurel, who he offended at the last Pirates' Court when he claimed she wouldn't pick a side to join.

"I have no respect for that fool right now," said Laurel despite the apology. "When he's in the blue coat, he's a totally different person... He's a super freak in a blue coat."

The Picton Castle dropped anchor and Pirate Master host Cameron Daddo informed the crew that the previous five Expeditions have yielded a total of $165,000 and it was time for the 11 remaining buccaneer wannabes to open the sixth compartment in the Chest of Zanzibar, which yielded two maps and two compasses. Cameron explained that this latest treasure was hidden by the ship's bosun --a position once held by Jay -- who was in charge of the deck crew.


As was the case during the previous Expeditions, the captain and his two officers would lead the Black Crew, with the rest of the shipmates randomly divided to either follow the captain on the Black Crew or oppose him on the Red Crew.  If the Black Crew wins, the captain remains in power.  However if the Red Crew wins, they elect a new captain. Everyone proceeded to pick either a black or a red shot to determine which crew they would join.

The Black Crew consisted of captain Azmyth; his two officers Jay and Ben; Christa DeAngelo, a 29-year former member of the military and single mother from Tamaqua, PA; Laurel; and Joy.  The Red Crew consisted of J.D.; Nessa; Louie; Kendra Guffey, a 38-year-old dive master from Los Angeles, CA; and Elicia "Jupiter" Mendoza, a 30-year-old bartender from Los Angeles, CA.  While Jay was worried about Joy slowing down his Black Crew during the Expedition, he took some solace in the fact that the Red Crew had Kendra, the other slowest remaining crew member on the Picton Castle.

On the first leg of Pirate Master's sixth Expedition, each crew had to swim to shore from the Picton Castle, a difficult task for anyone and especially for Kendra, who is notorious on the ship for being a slow swimmer.  But J.D. took it upon himself to pull Kendra through the water using the Red Crew's flag, while Jay assisted Joy for the Black Crew.  The Red Crew had a short lead once they reached shore, where they then had to locate a hidden ladder within a nearby plantation ruin.  The Black Crew caught-up quickly and was the first to reach the plantation ruin, where both teams eventually found rope ladders and their next clue, which read, "On this journey you must carry this ladder, which will prove quite necessary."

While both crews had difficulty carrying the cumbersome ladder up a steep, muddy trail into the mountains in search of a wrecked longboat that contained their next clue, the Black Crew was able to open-up a sizeable lead as J.D. continued to push both Kendra and Louie for Red.  The Black Crew tried a different approach with Joy -- their slowest member -- as they put her in-charge of the map and giving directions.  But she had trouble keeping up and even asked to stop for some water.

"When you're out there and somebody's dragging behind that much and somebody wants to stop and have water, I'm like, 'You don't need water,'" said Jay. "You need loot, you need treasure. Keep moving."


Despite Joy, the Black Crew was the first to the longboat to retrieve the next clue, which informed them they had to continue into the jungle and find a pair of masts in the trees where they would hoist their ladders and untie a key from a "tricky knot."  Just as the Black Crew located their mast, Ben noticed the Red Crew had all but eliminated their deficit.  While Azmyth scaled the ladder to untie Black's key, Louie couldn't even locate his key in the tree for Red.  Nessa noticed Louie's "rooting around" cost them valuable time, as Red's key was right near his foot to begin with. By the time he found it and began wrestling with the knot, Azmyth was already descending his ladder with the key.

The Black Crew was still only slightly ahead as they went down a narrow ravine in search of a footbridge, which contained the clues that would lead them to the bosun's treasure.  It was a difficult stretch to navigate, and Christa yelled at Joy to pick-up the pace and threatened her with a Black Spot.

"I'm crazy impressed with Christa, she's a soldier," said Ben. "She looks like a Barbie doll on steroids, but she never stops."

With both crews approaching the footbridge, Laurel could see Azmyth and the rest of the Black Crew, while he could hear the Red Crew hot on their heels.  The Black Crew reached the footbridge first and everyone began to carefully make their way across it while trying to read the clues, which were written on the boards they were walking on. Jay was the first to decipher the clues for either crew and realized that the it read "Off the bow portside treasure."

From this point it was smooth sailing for the Black Crew, which crossed to the other side of the footbridge; found a large rock with a ship painted on it; searched the port side of the painting; and found the treasure.  Joy was happy to be in the money, while some members of the Red Crew realized they just missed a good opportunity to unseat the Triad.


"It was important for us to get Azmyth out of the captainship," explained Nessa. "It's not just the treasure you're losing, but it's potentially the end of your voyage and none of us wanted that."

Back on the Picton Castle, Nessa was immediately informed by Cameron that the Pardon in her possession would have to change hands before the next Pirates' Court.  The Black Crew counted their winning and found it totaled $40,000, and while J.D. realized he had lost four straight Expeditions and was now "up against a wall," Azmyth decided to keep Jay and Ben as his officers.

"We have three strong males that the other crew can not acquire. And strategically our minds work very well together," he said.  "We're truly trying to seek the end of the game right now."

When it came time to split the treasure among the six member of the winning Red Crew, Azmyth decided to take a different approach from the previous two times he was captain.  Instead of splitting it evenly among the winning members, he split it 60-40 so he and his officers would receive more of a take.  Joy and Laurel were both surprised at Azmyth's decision, even though he described it to them as a "pretty good split."

"The way I feel about Azmyth right now is super sketchy," she said.  "I look at him as like a greedy idiot that needs to go home."

Now dubbed the "Tremendous Trio" by themselves, Azmyth, Jay and Ben began to discuss who would receive the three Black Spots and face possible elimination at the next Pirates' Court.  It was mostly a no-brainer, as Joy and Kendra were immediately labeled weak and it was decided both would receive Black Spots so at least one of them could go.  While the captain and his officers thought J.D. would place the highest bid for the Pardon, they also knew if he succeeded in winning it that it would ensure Joy or Kendra would be cut adrift.

"If I have that piece of paper -- even if I don't need it -- I want to have it," said J.D., expressing his desire to acquire the Pardon from Nessa.  J.D. discussed this with Nessa that night on the Picton Castle's bow, and he quickly noticed the two "kind of see eye to eye" when it comes to the game as well as their personalities.  Their flirting progressed and J.D. asked Nessa for a kiss.  She happily obliged.

The next morning the Black Spots were handed out.  Joy understood she made a "huge mistake" by not bidding on the Pardon while Kendra was aware she's not one of the stronger people remaining on the ship but added she didn't think she deserved a Black Spot.  Mutiny against Azmyth was the first thought that crossed J.D.'s mind when he saw the Black Spot, but quickly ruled it out since it would need to be approved by both Ben and Jay.

During a mental lapse, Kendra didn't understand what was going on with the power struggle between the captain and officers and the crew, needing J.D. to explain to her that if he and Louie are cut adrift, Azmyth, Jay and Ben would "stack their deck even further."

"I think the threat Az feels with me is a physical one," said J.D.  "I think I've got a big target on my head."

The rest of the crew discussed how that night's Pirates' Court would turn out, with Jay approaching Nessa and basically instructing her to vote for Joy, calling her "just a dead person on two legs."  If Nessa votes with the captain and officers, Jay told her she'd be spared from receiving a Black Spot in the future.


"I don't like being threatened into how I need to vote," she said after the conversation.  "I'm not afraid of them and I'm not gonna do what they tell me to like a little sheep."   This being Joy's third time with a Black Spot, she was confident in her ability to defend herself at Pirates' Court.  Meanwhile Louie was amazed at the thought that his one-time foe J.D. was now his "closest ally," forcing him to vote for either Joy or Kendra.

The crew then gathered on the Picton Castles' deck for Pirates' Court -- where Cameron explained the format once again -- with the crew casting ballots and having to choose which of the three marked pirates is cut adrift, adding they could also unanimously "rise as one" and mutiny against the captain. In addition, Cameron said he wouldn't reveal the highest bidder for the Pardon until after the vote.

Azmyth explained why he gave the Black Spots to who he did, commenting Kendra is "one of the slower" crew members on Expeditions, adding the same could be said for Joy but also knocking her for wanting to sit and drink water.  He made it a little more personal with J.D., whom he described as "definitely not a weak pirate by any means," adding he's looked at as a "strong competitor" and "dangerous."

Joy was the first to defend herself and said she understood she's weak, but added she will "never give up" and felt she's "doing the best" she can, imploring the crew to vote with their "heart."  Kendra then defended herself, reminding that she's been a member of four winning crews and doesn't think she's a liability.

"I am a threat.  I'm a serious threat.  I don't blame you for throwing me down here," said J.D. as he looked captain Azmyth in the eyes.  "I'm gunning for you man.  You'll be looking over your shoulder... eventually I'm going to pass you."  J.D. then turned his attention away from Azmyth and towards the crew.  "But what [Azmyth's] threat is, I believe is [the crew's] hope.  I think it's going to be tough if I'm gone and all the brunt is on Louie.  He's a great man, but I think he needs some help.  Four women and one man against three strong men... It feels like an easy equation to me."

Cameron informed the crew -- excluding those three who received Black Spots, Azmyth and his officers -- that it was time to vote, and one by one, the pirates placed their ballots atop the blade of a dagger.  Prior to counting the ballots, Cameron revealed J.D. was the highest bidder for the Royal Pardon, paying $12,000 to Nessa for it.

"I must be on his good side," said Nessa as J.D. paid her.  "Pleasure doing business with you my dear."

Cameron said there were no mutiny ballots cast against Azmyth and added J.D.'s booty was not spent wisely, as no ballots were cast against him.  Cameron then revealed both Kendra and Joy had received votes against them, with Joy receiving three and Kendra receiving two. Joy was then cut adrift.

Pirate Master's next episode will air in its new time period of Tuesdays at 10PM ET/PT on July 10.

About The Author: Christopher Rocchio
Christopher Rocchio is an entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and has covered the reality TV genre for several years.