Back in February when "Joe Millionaire" ended, Evan Marriott explained that although he was "more intimate" with Sarah Kozer, he picked Zora Andrich over Sarah because of the likelihood that Sarah was a gold digger. How two months have changed things -- Evan and Zora immediately broke up after the series ended, Sara is posing in Playboy, and Evan is now talking about wanting to give a relationship with Sarah another chance!
The Press of Atlantic City reports that during an appearance at the Trump Marina Hotel Casino, Evan once again talked about how, during filming, he felt more comfortable with Sarah Kozer, but she was "too heavily into glitz and glamour for his taste" and how he still "might consider a relationship with her at a later date." "The last thing I want to do is stir up a big media thing," he said. "If it happens, it won't be for a while. It will be after everything dies down." "Everything" won't die down until at least June, as Marriott said he has FOX appearances booked through then (after which time FOX, in Evan's own words, has told him "See ya. They say I'm not marketable.")
For her part, Sarah doesn't seem to be interested in revisiting a relationship with Evan. During a recent appearance on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live to plug her Playboy appearance, Sarah reacted quite strongly to speculation that she might get romantically involved with Evan, saying that she didn't get intimate with him while on the show and she's not going to get involved with him now, and anyone thinking otherwise is "wrong on both accounts."
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