Josh Duggar has checked into rehab following claims he had cheated on Anna Duggar and had extremely rough sexual encounters with a porn star.


Stripper and adult film star Danica Dillon, 28, insisted she had "terrifying" rough sex with Josh on two separate occasions while Anna was pregnant with their fourth child, who was born in July, In Touch Weekly reported.

Josh reportedly offered Dillon cash for sex and their physical relationship unexpectedly turned violent. Dillon also said the former 19 Kids & Counting star didn't use protection.

"He was manhandling me, basically tossing me around like I was a rag doll," she told In Touch while a lie detector test was being conducted. "It was very traumatic. I've had rough sex before, but this was terrifying."

Josh first made a move on Dillon, whose real name is Ashley Lewis, after "eyeballing" her during a March performance at Gold Club in Philadelphia.


"He walked into the Gold Club like a normal patron and said he'd been a fan for a long time and has watched my career grow -- he even said from before my boob job until recently -- and that he loved watching my very first scene on [an adult website]," Dillon said. "Then it got creepy."

Josh allegedly purchased $600 in private lap dances and then requested Dillon "spend the evening" with him at her hotel room.

"[I] took the opportunity because Josh offered to gift $1,500," explained Dillon, who had consensual sex with Josh and ultimately passed In Touch's polygraph test.

Josh's second encounter with Dillon reportedly took place at Creekside Cabaret in Colmar, PA, about a month later.

"I think that after I come out [with this news], there will probably be plenty more girls after me... I actually really hope that his wife leaves him and takes his children away from him and leaves him a lonely, bitter man. I don't think he deserves happiness," Dillon explained.


After hackers released private information about millions of Ashley Madison subscribers, Josh confessed to having cheated on Anna and developing a secret pornography addiction. He had also previously admitted to molesting five young girls -- including his own sisters Jessa Seewald and Jill Dillard -- when he was a teenager.

Josh entered a treatment facility on Tuesday and his family released a statement explaining the decision.

"We are so thankful for the outpouring of love, care and prayers for our family during this most difficult situation with Josh. As parents we are so deeply grieved by our son's decisions and actions. His wrong choices have deeply hurt his precious wife and children and have negatively affected so many others. He has also brought great insult to the values and faith we hold dear," the family said.

"Yesterday Josh checked himself into a long-term treatment center. For him it will be a long journey toward wholeness and recovery. We pray that in this he comes to complete repentance and sincere change. In the meantime, we will be offering our love, care and devoted support to Anna and our grandchildren as she also receives counsel and help for her own heart and future."

The statement concluded with the Duggar clan saying they'll continue to look to God and ask for prayers from others.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.