Joshuah Welch's first time on the chopping block was also his last.
Joshuah was revealed to be evicted from the Big Brother house on Day 56 by a 3-1 vote after he was placed on the chopping block by the competition's fourth individual Head of Household Natalie Cunial, a 28-year-old bikini barista from Salem, OR.
He was initially on the block with James Zinkand, a 21-year-old from Sarasota, FL. However James won the Power of Veto for the third week in a row during Tuesday night's broadcast and removed himself from the block.
Not surprisingly, Natalie then put Sharon Obermueller, a 23-year-old realtor from Olathe, KS who was Joshuah's former "perfect-match" partner, on the block as a replacement nominee. While the target was initially on Joshuah, he went on the offensive and attempted to convince Natalie and the other houseguests that Sharon was actually a "bigger threat" than he was.
"I feel pretty safe this week," boasted Sharon after she was put on the block. "We all know that it's probably going to be Joshuah who walks out that door. He is my best friend in this house, I love him more than anyone, it's going to be very, very hard for him to be gone."
"I'm feeling pretty confident right now," said Joshuah. "I definitely have James' vote, [Ryan Quicksall's] vote. That's all I need. In the event of a tie, Natalie has personally promised me that she would vote to keep me. I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not going to lie."
While Natalie confirmed she did make that promise to Joshuah, she also expressed concern about being Sharon's "executioner" if it were a tie. Joshuah was also apparently worried Natalie wouldn't follow through and decided to shed a good amount of crocodile tears for Adam Jasinski, a 29-year-old public relations manager from Del Ray Beach, FL, in an effort to sway the vote in his favor.
Natalie eventually explained her promise with Joshuah to Sharon but said she was now having second thoughts about it and would rather keep Sharon. Sheila Kennedy, a 45-year-old single mom and former Penthouse model from Reseda, CA, was brought into the conversation and the three remaining women formed an alliance.
Natalie then began to work Adam and Ryan so they would vote to oust Joshuah and after several discussions about what would be in their best interest moving forward, everyone came to the decision that they would play out the rest of the week like Joshuah was safe and then oust him during the live eviction.
That's exactly what happened, as Sheila, Ryan and Adam all voted to evict Joshuah while James was the only houseguest who voted to boot Sharon.
"I want to tell you all one thing," said Joshuah before he exited. "If you can learn anything from me, it's be true to yourself. I'm proud being Joshuah Michael Welch. I'm proud of who I've become and I stand for what I believe in. If all of you stand-up for what you believe in, you'll go way far in this game and in life. That's all I can ask is just be true to yourself."
He then shared an emotional goodbye with James and Sharon before walking out the door, where he was asked by Big Brother host Julie Chen about the speech he just delivered.

"You know, believe it or not I'm a good person," he explained. "I may have had a few blow-ups in the house and a few screams, but I respect everyone in there. It's a tough game to play Julie, and you break down -- you say things you don't mean. I didn't want to go out with a bang like [Chelsea Hart]. It's a tough game... Whoever wins it deserves it."
Julie asked Joshuah if he was surprised by his eviction.
"I'm a tough competitor in this game, and I pretty much know that they're going to take out the toughest person," said Joshuah. "That's myself. I'm way stronger than Sharon. They needed to kick me out, because if I would have stayed in, I would have picked them off week-by-week. So they made the right decision."
After Joshuah expressed his desire for either Sharon or James to win, Julie informed him he'd play a role in determining Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's eventual winner.
"You're going to the jury house," Julie informed him. "You'll find out soon enough where it is. But we'll see you back here at finale night when you do help determine the winner."
Following Joshuah's eviction, the six remaining houseguests -- minus Natalie, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the ninth season's fifth individual HoH competition.
Dubbed "More or Less," the houseguests were asked a series of questions based on the quantity of things in the house. They had to answer either "more" or "less," and for every correct answer they'd each receive a point. The person with the most points after seven questions would be the winner.
There was a three-way tie between Sharon, James and Adam after the first six questions -- and Adam was the only one among them to answer the seventh one correctly, claiming his second HoH in three weeks.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio