Kanye West has shared that he would have cast his ballot in favor of Donald Trump if he had voted in this year's election.


"I said something that was kind of politically correct. I told y'all I didn't vote, right? What I didn't tell you ... If I were to have voted I would have voted on Trump," the outspoken rapper said Thursday at a concert in San Jose according to NBC News amongst gasps, cheers and boos from the packed audience.

"This is about the idea of a black guy liking Trump. They thought they had me because ... just because I was black or just because I was a celebrity," he continued .

"But Trump is our president. And that would've been my vote, so I feel right."

West, known for getting into rants in the middle of his performances, also reiterated that he plans on running for president in 2020 and that his views on Trump do not change his stance on certain political issues.


"[Voting for Trump] don't mean that I don't think that black lives matter, that don't mean I don't believe in women's rights, that don't mean that I don't believe in gay marriage," West said.

Notably, back in August of 2015, West and his wife Kim Kardashian took a selfie with Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton which was posted onto social media.

Shortly after West announced his bid to run for president in 2020 during MTV's 2015 Video Music Awards, Trump himself praised the 39-year-old saying "I'll never say bad about him."

"He goes around saying, 'Trump is my all-time hero,' he goes around saying that to everybody, so Kanye West, I love him. Maybe in a few years I'll have to run against him, I don't know, so I'll take that back," Trump continued.