A North Carolina woman who stopped to rescue a kitten in the middle of a road ended up needing help from mechanics when the tiny animal fled into the inner workings of her vehicle.


Quality Plus Automotive Service in Raleigh said a woman stopped when she spotted a kitten in the middle of the road, and the feline quickly ran into the car's wheel well and crawled up into the inner workings of the car.

The woman called animal control, which advised her to contact an auto repair shop for help.

An animal control officer met with the woman at Quality Plus Automotive Service, where technician Chris Hayes was able to extract the trapped cat.

"Chris put the car on a lift and quickly assessed the situation. Ironically, he located the kitten close to the catalytic converter," the auto shop said in a Facebook post. "Chris carefully unbolted and popped off the bottom panel and freed the kitten from her hiding place in the charcoal canister."


The kitten was not injured and has now been placed with a foster home.