Deemed to have "strong looks" but "not enough," Kyle, a 19-year-old Dairy Queen manager from Dexter, MI, became the seventh girl eliminated from the fifth edition of America's Next Top Model during last night's UPN broadcast.


Top Model 5's sixth episode began with Nik still resenting the fact that Jayla stole the "secret" that she planned to use during last week's Secret Platinum Clear Gel commercial shoot. After that, Tyra surprised the girls by showing up at their Beverly Hills home and taking them outside for a no-frills "Vaseline-only" black and white photo shoot that highlighted each girl’s inner beauty.

Later that day, the girls went to Los Angeles' Griffith Park, where they spent the afternoon enduring a grueling obstacle course overseen by Camp Technique trainer Eric Viskovicz. Put through "boot camp," the girls jumped hurdles and crawled through the mud to ensure a good work out and a dirty outcome that would prepare them for their next challenge. While most of the girls embraced the obstacle course, Kyle was less than enthusiastic stating, "I can feel it [mud] going down my pants, going in my ear. It’s a gross feeling," she later groused. "One could say that she wasn't as into it as everyone else was," Eric commented about Kyle.

Before they could clean up, the girls were sent on a "go-see" with the editors of ELLEgirl magazine. Each girl had to work past her mud-caked appearance to express her personality and inner beauty in an interview and impromptu photo shoot. While the ELLEgirl panel felt that Kyle was beautiful and comfortable in front of the camera, they also felt that her inner beauty didn't show through enough in the photo shoot. "Maybe you need to work on a range of expression," Fashion Director Lori Trott suggested to Kyle.

The next day, Jay Manuel directed the girls in an advertising photo shoot promoting Ford's new Fusion sedan. Each girl dressed as 1940’s pin-up girl and posed to create a classic sexy look, with the girl who eventually wins Top Model having her photograph featured in the car's upcoming advertising campaign. While Kyle felt the photo shoot portrayed her feminine side, photographer and guest judge Richard Dean commented her photos could have been better if she stopped worrying about the competition and trusted her own talent.


During the week’s elimination ceremony, the girls were challenged to express their definition of "sexy" by creating an outfit from a room filled with clothes and accessories. The judges were not pleased with Kyle’s ensemble, as they felt it lacked confidence and sex appeal. Although they felt her beauty was the most striking of any of the other participants, the judges felt that Kyle’s looks were not enough to be the next America's Next Top Model winner.

"[You have] all the potential in the world, the best body here... [but] we see someone who is stuck being pretty," Tyra explained to Kyle before she eliminated her from the competition. "We're not sure if you can be a palette that can be painted on and that can be transformed."