Netflix released the teaser for their animated series Tomb Raider: the Legend of Lara Croft on Monday. The show premieres Oct. 10 on the streaming service.

The anime-style series by Tasha Huo shows the character from the video games in action. One shot shows Lara examining her bloody hands.

Though it is not clear how she got her hands so bloody, the montage of swinging from ropes over lava pits and fighting bad guys offers some clues.

Lara Croft first debuted in a 1996 video game which became a franchise across multiple gaming platforms. Lara could climb the walls of 3D environments in the groundbreaking game.

Angelina Jolie played her in a 2001 and 2003 movie, and Alicia Vikander in a 2018 movie.

The Legend of Lara Croft features the voices of Hayley Atwell, Allen Maldonado and Earl Baylon. Powerhouse Animation handles the animation.