Residents of a Los Angeles neighborhood said they have been flooded with mystery Uber Eats deliveries they did not request.

Locals in the Range View Avenue area of the city's Highland Park neighborhood said they have been receiving up to 13 deliveries a day from McDonald's, Taco Bell, Starbucks and other eateries through Uber Eats during the past three weeks.

The residents said the deliveries show up at all hours of the day and night.

"When it became too much food at once, we'd try to find places to donate it or give it away," local man William Neal told KTLA-TV.

Some of the recipients said they tried calling the phone numbers listed on the orders, but they were all out of service. They noted the pre-paid orders always included a tip for the driver.

A representative for Uber, the delivery service's parent company, said officials are investigating the origins of the mystery orders.

Neighbors said they do not know why someone would be sending so much food to their homes.

"I don't think anybody has seen it as anything sinister -- it's just varying degrees of annoyance," Neal told the Los Angeles Times.