Married at First Sight: Australia's seventh season featured a whopping four couples getting married as strangers -- Amanda and Tash, Natasha and Mikey, Hayley and David, and Vanessa and Chris -- during Wednesday night's episode on Lifetime.


Married at First Sight: Australia's seventh season received over 15,000 applications from singles across the country who had exhausted traditional dating routes and dreamed of finding The One. There were more applicants than ever before for this season.

Applicants were apparently chosen based on personality, value systems and chemistry.


Season 7 of Married at First Sight: Australia -- which premiered in Australia in February and aired it's finale Down Under in April -- stars 12 couples, including one same-sex couple.


The matchmaking experts for Season 7 of Married at First Sight: Australia are John Aiken, Mel Schiling, and Dr. Trisha Stafford, who matched the couples for 10 weeks of married life.

Like the American version of Married at First Sight, Married at First Sight: Australia features couples getting "married" to a stranger, going on honeymoons, and then moving in together and attempting to form a new life together.

But unlike the American version, the couples "marry" at a commitment ceremony and then participate in subsequent regular commitment ceremonies in which each partner must decide whether they want to continue with the relationship or end it. The Australian couples also do not get married legally.

The Married at First Sight: Australia broadcast began with the experts discussing whom to pair up for their first same-sex couple ever given gay marriage had been legalized in Australia.

John mentioned how Amanda, a 34-year-old strength coach, is "disciplined, focused and strong-willed," adding that she has one of the strongest personalities they've seen.


Amanda said she's soft, caring, hard and not a pushover. She said she'd be willing to take a bullet for anyone she loves and that loyalty is hard to come back.

Amanda grew up in a traditional European family. She came out at age 21 and admitted it was a hard. She felt like she had disappointed her family at the time, but the tough things she's been through in life has allowed her to develop a thick skin.

Amanda said she craves support, encouragement and acceptance, and there's a part of her that still wonders if she's enough.


Amanda called the gay dating market "terrible," which is why she "tends to go for straight women."


The experts called Tash "the surprise package" because she's edgy, strong and unapologetic about who she is as a person.

Tash, a 31-year-old bartender, has been described as the illegitimate love child of Davie Bowie and a vampire, which she believes sums her up pretty well. Tash said she gets more attention from men as a bartender and wished it was from the opposite sex.

"Women meet me and they can't decide who I am based on how I look. They just assume that I'm there to just have a good time. They don't see me as someone who can have a really serious committed relationship, and it just makes me wonder, 'What am I doing wrong?'" Tash admitted.

Tasha told John that she wanted to feel understood and have a woman see through her hard exterior. She wanted someone to see she's more than just skin deep.

The experts predicted Tasha and Amanda would have passion and chemistry, and Mel said Tasha's softness would complement Amanda's more direct style.


Next up to discuss was Natasha, a 26-year-old financial analyst, an intelligent yet possibly intimidating woman with a double degree in psychology and business who knows what she wants.

"Every man wants a strong woman until he realizes he has to step his own game up," Natasha told the camera.

"And I am a very strong woman. I've worked hard to look like this and I've also worked my ass off in business to get taken seriously. And I refuse to sacrifice my beauty or brains."


Natasha had followed her father into business, but her dad traveled a lot when she was younger and wasn't around much.

Natasha said she tends to date older men, probably because she was missing that type of love in her childhood. When she was 21 years old, she dated a 42 year old. Natasha also said she dated a 52-year-old at age 25.

Natasha said she chased "a power person" so she and her partner could be equals in a relationship, but she admitted this often resulted in a power struggle in her past.

"When it comes to love, it's something I put the highest emphasis on, and I think sometimes I get so desperate to find it that I make silly decisions and mistake men wanting me physically for wanting the whole of me," Natasha revealed.

Natasha told the cameras she was desperate for the experts' help to find a man who would love all of her, unconditionally, and really want to get to know her.

Since Natasha is mature for her age and an alpha-female, the experts picked out a strong and established man for her, and that person was Mikey, a 28-year-old operations manager, whom the experts considered ambitious and successful.

Mikey, who went to boarding school and had a self-described "affluent upbringing," said he likes having nice things and has traveled the world. Mikey said while people probably assume he's full of himself, he claimed to be the opposite.


Mikey manages his family's age care facility in Sydney, and he said he's very close to his family, especially his aunt Lou.

The experts thought Natasha and Mikey had similarities in their backgrounds and how they live their lives, and Trisha pointed out they had the potential to become "a real power couple in this experiment."


John just hoped Natasha could see past Mikey's young age since he's an "alpha" who could challenge her.

While dressing in his tuxedo, Mikey planned to take his marriage slow and steady, and he was optimistic about making an honest and genuine connection with someone.

Natasha didn't want to see an old man waiting for her at the end of the aisle, and she feared another relationship was going to crush her. Natasha desired a man who wouldn't view her as a trophy wife.

Tash and Amanda were also shown getting ready for their wedding. Amanda felt like she "belonged" in this experiment and was prepared to do whatever it takes to make her marriage work.

Amanda wasn't sure whether her parents were going to attend the wedding, and she noted she'd be "quite hurt" if her father didn't show up. Tash, however, had the full support of her dad, who offered to walk her down the aisle.

Tash acknowledged her father Robert is her favorite person in the world, and Robert tearfully wished his daughter all the happiness in the world.

On Mikey and Natasha's wedding day, a wedding guest -- apparently a friend of Natasha's -- got a good look at Mikey and insisted Natasha wasn't going to like Mikey and she'd probably "eat him alive."

When Mikey saw Natasha for the first time in her A-line gown with a sparkly bodice, he said, "Wow! What a beautiful girl. I can't believe she's actually being married to me."

Natasha could tell Mikey was nervous, but she said she was sincerely happy he wasn't an old man.


When the pair met at the end of the aisle, they exchanged a couple of laughs, and Mikey pointed out Natasha seemed "genuine."

Mikey vowed to be devoted to Natasha and sickness and health, saying he'd give the experiment all he had in order to find love. Mikey said he wanted a real, genuine and loving relationship, and he complimented Natasha on being brave for doing this show.


Natasha promised to stand by Mikey's side and keep her heart open. Natasha vowed to be Mikey's teammate and grow together as equals.

"I don't know what I expected, but he seems really sweet," Natasha said in a confessional.

Natasha and Mikey shared a kiss after exchanging vows, and Mikey said he was really happy with how things were going so far. Natasha, however, hoped Mikey would drop his nerves and be able to handle her being a strong woman.


Tash and Amanda's wedding was up next, and Amanda looked stunning in a white lace pantsuit at the altar. Guests commented how Amanda and Tash were going to look "gorgeous" as a couple.

Tash said she was ready to give and accept love, and she was so excited to potentially feel love at first sight, or at least a strong connection.

"I want to be blown away. I want to feel a soul-level connection with another person, and insane chemistry. I want it all for the rest of my life," Tash shared.

Tash walked down the aisle in a sleek white dress with her hair down and a bouquet of calla lilies, and when Amanda first saw her, she gasped in the best way possible.

"F-ck me, she's hot," Amanda gushed. "To see her eyes, they're just beautiful. Wow, what a stunner. She is gorgeous."

Tash also told Amanda that she looked beautiful, and Amanda joked she was "born ready" to wed.


"She seems like a strong, supportive, confident woman," Tash said in a confessional.

During the ceremony, Tash said she's full of romance and driven by love, and she said she couldn't wait to ask her questions and develop a connection no less than dynamite.


Amanda thanked Tash for showing courage and taking a chance at blind faith, and she promised to prove that following her gut -- even at the risk of hurting others -- was the right choice.

Amanda hinted to having made an unpopular decision that resulted in people questioning her motives for going on Married at First Sight.

Amanda also promised to hold her hand and jump for joy with her during excited times.


Amanda put Tash's hand on her heart, and Tash thought it was a really beautiful moment.

The newlyweds kissed and were so glad to share that experience in front of family and friends.

After the two couples engaged in wedding photo shoots and the receptions commenced, Amanda promised two of Tash's friends she's a loyal, straight shooter, but Tash's friends apparently didn't like her and accused her of sounding rehearsed.

Amanda also mentioned to the girls how she was about to get back with an ex-girlfriend before the wedding but decided to get married to a stranger instead.

"To be completely transparent with you, I was actually in the midst of working things out with my ex, and I had a crossroads where I had to make a decision about working it out with her or choosing the experiment and meeting the love of my life," Amanda shared with the girls.

Tash's friend Ashlee shared this startling news with the bride, and Tash didn't seem happy.


To make matters worse, Amanda referred to that situation as a big mistake she had made, which was something she had mentioned in her vows.


Tash sat Amanda down to talk about what she had heard, and Amanda said she applied for Married at First Sight: Australia the very night she and her former girlfriend broke up.

"I'm here for all of the right reasons. I put a lot on the line to be here," Amanda told Tash, insisting she wouldn't have gone down the right path had she chosen her ex. "You're safe with me. I'll take a bullet for the one I love. I want us to go all the way."

Tash felt so much better after speaking to Natasha, saying they flushed some unflattering information out. Tash noted she was committed to giving it a shot with Amanda, who in turn believed Tash could be The One.

Meanwhile, Natasha was beginning to recognize Mikey was smart, caring and "kind of perfect."


Mikey danced for his bride at the reception, and Natasha called him "a wonderful human," saying she "couldn't have asked for a better person."

After the weddings, Natasha and Tash returned to their hotel room, and Amanda said Tash made her feel special with affection and care.

And Mikey and Natasha did the same after sharing a sweet kiss.

The experts were then shown discussing their next match.

Hayley, a 32-year-old finance broker, said she considers herself a catch. She said although she appears edgy and tough, she's not that tough at all.

Hayley came from a broken family and admitted she had turned to drugs.


"I was kicked out of home from the age of 17 and was abusing several substances. This was all I knew for about eight or nine years. It's actually the worst thing in the world; it's crippling," Hayley shared in a confessional.

Hayley, however, turned her life around by exercising and training. She slowly picked up the pieces of her life and then won her loved ones back.

Hayley wanted a partner who would not be judgmental or criticize her past, and she looked forward to dogs, babies and family barbecues. Hayley wanted Married at First Sight to be the start of the rest of her life.

Mel called Hayley "a rapid-fire communicator," but the experts could sense real insecurity under the surface. They therefore needed a man who could cut through the surface into Mel's heart.

The experts matched Hayley with David, a 31-year-old truck driver and combat sportsman who has won two Australian titles. David said he suffered a severe spinal injury and had surgery, and his ability to walk today was "against all odds."

David feared boxing could take his life, so he switched gears and became a truck driver. David now lives on a farm with many animals, but he noted his lifestyle made it difficult for him to meet girls.


David believed he would be a great father who would set a good example, and having a family would apparently be a dream come true for him.

Both individuals had overcome adversity in life and previously hit rock bottom, but Trisha was wary whether David could handle Hayley's big personality.

Next up was Vanessa, a 31-year-old pharmacy manager, whom the experts said was bullied at a young age due to a skin condition. Vanessa was tired of the "superficial" dating world, saying people tend to pick out others' imperfections -- and she's "got a lot of them."

Vanessa joked she looks her best when lighting is dim because she has disfiguring acne scars. Vanessa wasn't sure anyone would be truly satisfied with her skin, but she was hoping she could find a man who would stick around.

Since the experts realized Vanessa lacked confidence, they needed a man who would build her up, and Chris, a 37-year-old youth worker who works with children, came to mind.

Chris is also a father of two boys, and he said he loves them immensely but has found it difficult to be a single father. Chris hated that he couldn't spend more time with them due to work, but he said he was coping with the fact he couldn't be an ideal father.


Chris considered himself a protector, and he wanted to fall in love on Married at First Sight. The experts complimented his compassion and ability to build confidence in children.

It then became time for Hayley and David's wedding day, as well as Chris and Vanessa's time to wed.

Vanessa wanted to marry a man who would accept her for who she is and how she looks, and Hayley apparently asked for a groom who could make her laugh.

Hayley was walked down the aisle first accompanied by her beloved father, and David called her "gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous."

"I could see that she was high energy and she wasn't shy, and that put me at ease a little bit," David told the cameras.

Hayley hugged David's loved ones before even making it down the aisle, and she had all the guests laughing. Hayley liked the fact David was tall, and she seemed to appreciate his smile.


Hayley called herself bubbly and fun-loving, and she vowed to have happy times with David as well as support his hopes and dreams -- unless he did something stupid because she'd pull him back into line.

David promised to give the marriage 110%, following in the footsteps of his parents. David teared up while saying his vows and started off by practicing his apologies: "I'm sorry, dear," David said with a laugh.

Hayley liked how David seemed to be "a bit of a goofball" like herself, but David worried about the relationship because they didn't think Hayley appeared to be David's usual type for a relationship.

Chris and Vanessa got married next, and Chris was hoping for a strong woman who wouldn't quit their relationship. He had been hurt in the past and was searching for a woman with a lot of heart.

Vanessa took a moment to compose herself before walking down the aisle alone, and when she and Chris first locked eyes, he flashed a small smile but then looked down.

"I don't know what he's thinking, but I don't know if I was what he was expecting," Vanessa admitted. "The way you can tell when someone is attracted to you, I just didn't feel that."


Chris, however, said his first impression of Vanessa was that she's "a pretty girl" with "a nice laugh." He did confess, however, their first meet and greet was a little awkward because she seemed nervous.

Vanessa told Chris that she's not normally a sweaty, nervous mess. She promised to be open, honest, loyal, while warning Chris she'd probably always eat more than him. Vanessa told Chris she wanted them to achieve genuine love, which is something she had never had before.

Chris could tell Vanessa is "a beautiful person," which is what he had asked for. Chris told Vanessa he was at a loss for words for how beautiful she looked, and Vanessa said his personality showed through in his vows.

Chris wasn't exactly ready for a first kiss, but he said he wanted to be a gentleman and so he went in for a peck. Vanessa didn't think Chris was feeling her, but Chris noted, "She could be the right one for me."

Vanessa just needed more reassurance and affection, and she wondered whether she was enough.

During their photo shoots, David discovered Hayley was into the country lifestyle, and he said she was exactly what he was hoping for, and Hayley dubbed themselves "two peas in a pod."


At Chris and Vanessa's reception, all Vanessa could think of was that Chris didn't like her.

"It's the whole Beauty and the Beast thing isn't it? It's about getting to know someone's personality and then hoping an attraction comes from that," Vanessa said in a confessional, adding that she hoped to calm down and show her true colors.

"From what's in my heart, I do feel like I'm a good catch, and I hope he can see that."

Hayley got to know David's parents during the wedding reception, and his parents still weren't sure Hayley was going to be "the right style of woman for David."

Towards the end of the reception, Hayley told the cameras David seemed like "an exceptional guy," and she was very hopeful for their future. She didn't think David would judge her past of drug use, but she still had to tell him about it.

"I'm starting to feel like David and his family are everything I asked for," Hayley said.

Meanwhile, Chris said Vanessa had impressed his friends, which was important to him, and Vanessa got a better understanding of why the couple had been paired. She said Chris was the type of guy she had been looking for.

"But what if I fall for him and it's not reciprocating? That scares the sh-t out of me," Vanessa confessed.

But then Chris dropped a bomb on Vanessa that he has children, and she seemed a bit taken aback. Chris told Vanessa that he'd like to have more children, and Vanessa told the cameras she was okay with that relevation.

Vanessa didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Chris that night considering she wasn't convinced he was into her, but Chris said he was respectful of that decision.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.