Married at First Sight: Chicago Reunion featured Emem revealing she had a miscarriage, Emem's new fiance Brandon asking Pastor Calvin Roberson to marry them on the spot, David and Madison addressing their dating timeline, and Michelle calling herself "a big brat" during the Season 18 episode.
Married at First Sight's eighteenth season starred five Chicago-based couples who married at first sight, moved in together, and tried to make newlywed life work for eight weeks.
The five couples who tied the knot at first sight were Camille and Thomas, Karla and Juan, Madison and Allen, David and Michelle, and Emem and Ikechi.
The couples had been matched by Pastor Cal, Dr. Pepper Schwartz and Dr. Pia Holec.
On "Decision Day," each remaining couple had to decide if they wanted to get a divorce or continue in their marriage.
Everyone decided to get divorced, on or before "Decision Day," except for Camille and Thomas.
During the reunion, Karla revealed there were several group chats from the show and they all stayed in touch, for the most part. Camille and Thomas also gushed about how they still loved everybody.
Below is what happened on the Married at First Sight: Chicago Reunion Part 2.
"Were you two together during that text message?" Kevin asked David of his relationship with Madison."To be completely honest, I did go out with her that one time when she had told Allen [after their "transaction" fight] and also I did stay out with her and her cousin watching a football game one night," David said while sitting on the stage across from Michelle.
David admitted they weren't completely innocent interactions.
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"I'm a flirtatious person, so I'm sure things came across very flirtatious," David shared.
David confirmed he and Madison were vibing and having conversations before "Decision Day" that led up to the building blocks for their relationship, which has now lasted over one year.
David explained that Madison was giving him what he wasn't receiving at home from Michelle and the attention was an ego boost for him and made him feel like he still had the swag or the sauce.
"When was the first time y'all kissed?" Kevin asked.
"Our first kiss was at Juan's warehouse when I took her away and I kissed her downstairs. I pulled her away because her and Michelle were getting into it," David recalled.
Michelle didn't believe that she had heard the truth, and she added, "And I don't think that I ever will."
"There is no way you sent that text message without having a physical relationship before. That's how I truly feel," Michelle declared, adding, "To me, he had plans to be 'going down' later."
Kevin agreed it sounded like David at least had "a snack" before texting Madison that he wanted to "eat [her] up," which made Michelle laugh, but David claimed he was just shooting his shot and sharing what he had been hoping would happen down the road.
When Michelle was asked how she views success, she said it's a mix of finances, health and happiness.Michelle recalled asking David how much he made and how much he had saved.
"I heard numbers that scared me," Michelle admitted. "I thought with him living at home, they would be different numbers."
But David said success to him is being on the right path and having a good career and his soul mate, who "does not judge" him about his finances.
David also revealed that he bought an investment property in Iowa, where his brother lives.
"The goal is to be married with Madison, have a family, and live happily ever after... I'm going to give her the world. I give her financial security and emotional security," David insisted.
"She doesn't pay for a damn thing when we go out. I open up car doors... and walk on the right side of the curb [next to her]. I know what it takes emotionally, physically, mentally to give somebody that love and to show they've never been loved like how I can."
David added that Madison couldn't be more happy and her friends and family are thrilled that he had stepped into her life.
Kevin asked if David thought it made a difference that Madison is a little younger than Michelle, and David pointed out how Madison was the breadwinner.
Kevin said maybe Madison thought she had more time to be patient with David and his finances, and Michelle agreed.
"I would always say, 'Maybe if I were 10 years younger, I would be into David,'" Michelle noted.
David apologized to Michelle again for being petty throughout the process and gaslighting her, and Kevin acknowledged how David's lies during the season were "crazy."
"I agree," David concluded.
"I still have a lot to figure out for [what I want in a partner]. This has shown that I can be judgmental, I have a lot of walls up, I have some trust issues, and I'm working on that," Michelle explained.
David said he looked forward to marriage with Madison because she was real and genuine.
"When you know, you know," David boasted.
Michelle and David agreed that they were cordial and could at least stand to be around each other during future group gatherings.
Juan said Karla has very beautiful eyes and she has a great personality and makes him laugh. Karla complimented how goal-driven and passionate Juan is, and how he made it easy for her to be herself.Karla said she wasn't surprised there were no sparks between them because Juan is very analytical and she has the mindset of "let's just do it." Karla explained how they processed things differently and had different lifestyles.
Juan explained how he had tried to dig deep with Karla and that's why he didn't sleep with her. Juan didn't want to be confused by "chemical infatuation."
Juan shared how attraction wasn't the issue; it was Karla's lifestyle.
Juan recalled how "there was something missing" and "something off" with Karla -- yet it had "nothing to do" with her physical appearance.
Juan apparently wasn't into Karla's use of sage, crystals, tarot cards and more, and Karla, for her part, was upset that Juan never gave her any affection.
"Juan beats to his own drum, and he has very little to no consideration for me being his partner at that time," Karla revealed, adding how Juan had left her for an entire day to play golf with David during their honeymoon.
Karla said it didn't feel good to be told by her partner that he wasn't even thinking about her.
"That was really not a good thing to say. It was so hateful and it came off not good at all," Juan confessed. "It just didn't come out right."
Karla also shared how the other husbands had bought their wives massages during the honeymoon just to be kind.
"I showed that I cared by being loyal, faithful, honest and respectful. I didn't cheat on you," Juan argued.
"Juan, you are naming things that, when you get married, you are supposed to do!" Kevin pointed out.
Juan apologized to Karla for not meeting her expectations as a husband and for disappointing her.
Juan and Karla said they learned a lot from each other during the process. Juan, for example, took a solo camping trip because he felt disconnected from nature, and Karla said she should show the more serious side of herself sometimes.
Karla said her marriage with Juan went "exactly the way it was supposed to" and she felt content, and Juan called the experience "a blessing" to him.
Karla and Juan agreed that they accepted each other and wouldn't change anything if they could go back.
Juan then revealed how his new girlfriend is Brazilian and they have a great time together.
"She is a great girl. I mean, she has good values and a really big heart. We also have that aspect of having a really good time. We both love to dance and we like to have fun. We align a lot more based on how we go about life," Juan explained.
Karla shared how she was dating but wasn't involved in anything serious yet, and Juan concluded how he'd be Karla's biggest fan going forward.
The guys all agreed David's lie to Michelle was awful and ridiculous.Ikechi was the only guy who was still single, and he said he wasn't sure how to describe what exactly he was looking for.
Ikechi shared how he was not dating at the time and was just enjoying his peace and quiet.
"I am enjoying me, myself and I. I am being selfish. I am enjoying my music and traveling... I feel like I lost myself along the journey with what was happening," Ikechi admitted.
Thomas announced how he was thrilled that Allen had found a new partner because he deserved a healthy and happy relationship. David agreed that Allen was a great catch.
The group said they'd invite each other to future weddings, except for when David and Madison get married.
"I think there are boundaries already... and so no, I'm not going to your wedding," Allen quipped. "And I don't think I'd be invited."
Thomas gushed about how these men had become his brothers and he always went to them for advice.
Dr. Pepper called David and Madison's relationship a "disruption," and Dr. Pia -- who was pregnant with a baby girl at the time -- reiterated how their romance shocked everyone.Pastor Cal called David and Madison's way of going about their relationship -- and the timing of it all -- a major disappointment.
Allen shared how was proud of his core values and had only tried to change shallow, surface-level things about himself for Madison.
Michelle then admitted that she wished she had changed how she acted during the Married at First Sight process.
"I do think that [David] is a nice guy and he's fun. I wish I could've been friends with him," Michelle announced.
"I will own up to I did push him away. With the way I treated him, I was a little bit of a brat -- or a big brat, actually -- in the beginning, and I have apologized to him. So I've owned up to that."
Dr. Pia didn't think David and Madison had been honest with Michelle and Allen, but she said they'd probably never get the answers they wanted.
The experts confirmed they had "no clue" something was blossoming between Madison and David on the show.
The experts also denied a rumor that they had switched Madison and Michelle at the end of the matchmaking process.
Pastor Cal called the rumor of David and Madison being an initial match "complete B-S" because they never thought to pair Madison with a man outside of her race given her dating history.
Pastor Cal congratulated Allen and Michelle on their growth, and Pastor Cal called Allen "an awesome guy" with great values who can't wait to pour into his partner.
Ikechi explained how the energy with Emem was never right but he should've been open to how Emem wanted to learn about him."I need someone who is open and honest, and will have my back," Ikechi said.
"I did not get that from her," Ikechi said. "I just didn't. And at some point, maybe I just didn't want it from here."
Dr. Pia and Emem thanked Ikechi for being honest because that sounded like the truth.
Emem admitted she felt "robbed" of the Married at First Sight experience because she had been matched with someone who wasn't vulnerable or committed to the process.
Pastor Cal advised Ikechi to lead with principle instead of feeling in dating, and Dr. Pia said a marriage will often require compromise.
When Emem's fiance Brandon walked out onstage, Ikechi refused to shake his hand. Brandon boasted about how Ikechi had "fumbled" his relationship with an incredible woman.
Emem gushed about how she and Brandon were truly in love and were in love at first sight, which was scary at first.
"But I couldn't let it go," Emem said, adding how there were no inconsistencies with Brandon and his love for her was totally genuine.
Brandon then asked Pastor Cal if he would marry him and Emem that very day. Pastor Cal responded, "Wow! Let's talk offline. Because I've got to talk to you before I do that!"
"I'm down!" Emem said.
"I can't commit to you," Pastor Cal said. "But we'll talk."
Emem said this was the type of man she was looking -- and hoping for -- when she had signed up for Married at First Sight.
When asked if they'd like to have children in the near future, Brandon revealed, "We were blessed early on and unfortunately some things happened, but we're back at it."Emem elaborated of the situation, "So I had a miscarriage recently at 14 weeks."
Brandon said they lost the baby on August 10, 2024.
"I did just lose a child. It's a little difficult still to talk about," Emem admitted. "But, you know, we're moving forward and still excited about having children in the future."
Brandon said he has one son and one daughter from a previous relationship and they both adore Emem and call her to talk all the time.
Emem gushed about how she found her "guy," the answer to her prayers.
Pastor Cal was still wondering about the actual timeline of when David and Madison had gotten together."Can you actually say it happened when we found out about it?" Pastor Cal asked the couple.
David apologized to the experts for having told them many lies, and then he announced, "I'd like to politely decline, in regards to the timeline."
David said he had thoughts about Madison on the honeymoon, wishing she had been the one to walk down the aisle. And Madison confirmed that their romance started in the gym.
David and Madison declared how they were happy together and that's all that mattered.
Madison said David had confided in her during the process and it was attractive to her, and David recalled how Madison was so real and genuine when he was getting to know her.
Pastor Cal asked the couple not to let the past and the mistakes they had made in their first marriages have a negative impact on their future. Dr. Pia also encouraged continued honesty and vulnerability.
"But slow down and relearn each other in this space," Dr. Pia concluded.
Camille later shared how she didn't like the hate David was receiving because he's actually a good guy with good intentions. She also thought it was "cool" and fine that David lived at home for a while.
Madison shared how living with David at her place was easy because they had different schedules and were rarely home at the same time. Madison said she's very happy she and David had taken that next step together.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski