Married at First Sight's fifteenth season premiered with 10 singles preparing to wed and Alexis and Justin getting married, after which Alexis admitting Justin is "uncomfortably" tall and not her type during the special three-hour episode Wednesday night on Lifetime.


The five brides from San Diego who were selected to wed on Season 15 of Married at First Sight were Lindy, a 29-year-old doctor of physical therapy; Krysten, a 32-year-old sales representative; Alexis, a 29-year-old logistics specialist; Stacia, a 37-year-old accountant; and Morgan, a 27-year-old registered nurse.

The five grooms who will be starring on the new MAFS edition are Miguel, a 35-year-old associate medical director; Mitch, a 41-year-old environmental policy advocate; Justin, a 33-year-old digital marketing specialist; Nate, a 34-year-old day trader; and Binh, a 29-year-old engineer.


Married at First Sight experts Pastor Calvin Roberson and Dr. Pepper Schwartz matched Lindy and Miguel, Krysten and Mitch, Alexis and Justin, Stacia and Nate, and Morgan and Binh.


The show will feature strangers meeting at the wedding altar and then spending the next eight weeks embarking on a honeymoon, moving in together, and navigating the joys and struggles of daily life together.

And at the end of the experiment, Married at First Sight's five Season 15 couples will reach "Decision Day" and have to decide whether to remain married or decide to end their marriages and divorce.

The Married at First Sight premiere episode began with 14 days remaining until the weddings.

Lindy, a joyful and exuberant physical therapist dubbed the "Adventurous Over-Thinker," was raised in a strict Catholic household and had the tendency to pick emotionally-unavailable men.

Lindy was matched with Miguel, "The Starry-Eyed Scribe," who shared the news of his Married at First Sight casting with his friends while wearing a big bear costume.


Miguel, a medical writer, said he's a dork, a jock, a lover, a fighter, a hopeless romantic, a poet, and a serial monogamist who loves to escape into the world of fantasy and role play.

Alexis, the "Passionate Powerhouse," has been proposed to three times but never engaged. She said she's transparent, direct, and a badass dog mom who was afraid of failing at marriage following her parents' divorce.

The experts matched Alexis with Justin, the "The Towering Teddy Bear," a 6'8" man who was previously engaged to a woman who wanted a much older man.

Justin said after that romance ended, he became very cautious and paid attention to red flags when dating different women. Justin, who had been celibate for a year-and-half and single for five years, said he's tired of being looked at "as a snack" and wants the real thing.

Krysten, dubbed "Daring & Devoted," said she never imagined herself not being married after age 30. She was engaged once before and planned an expensive destination wedding, but two weeks before the ceremony, Krysten found out he had been cheating on her.


She fears dying alone without children and wants to find her perfect match.

Krysten was matched with Mitch, the "Rebel with a Cause," who is an environmentalist and wants to take care of the ocean. 

Mitch's longest relationships lasted two to three years and the 41-year-old admitted to having commitment issues. Mitch, a product of divorced parents, said he's a loud mouth with an inappropriate sense of humor but also a caring uncle who once worked as a "manny."

Morgan, described as "Strong & Independent," is into video games, martial arts and lifting weights, and she's not a passive woman who will follow a man or cater to his every want and need. She wants a man who will love her for who she is and said she's ready.

Morgan was matched with Binh, "The Mama's Boy," who is a dependable and nice guy. His traditional parents met at a refugee camp, and he works a great job as an engineer but is extremely frugal.


Binh said he's fit and has his Master's degree but he comes home to an empty house and only sees women with "resting b-tch face" at the gym. Binh's friends called him "cheap as hell," but Binh said he's investing in his future.


Stacia, the "Boss Lady," said she wants a man but doesn't need one and she can't be persuaded or manipulated.

Stacia, a former volleyball player, claimed she holds people accountable and speaks her mind, and she's been grinding in the finance world with a goal to create general wealth. At age 37, she wants marriage and two kids.

Stacia was matched with Nate, a "Hustler with a Heart," who has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and strong drive to be successful.

Nate once hit rock bottom but became a savvy salesman and day trader, and he said he's ready to take care of a woman. Nate believes he's a good guy and his past should be left in the past, and he hopes to be in a power couple with a woman who's not the jealous type.

Twelve days until the weddings, the MAFS 15 brides met each other, as did the grooms.

Justin made the guys laugh by saying women only care if he's packing heat, and Krysten told the women how she was worried she'd be too much for her new husband. Alexis also shocked the other brides with the news she had been proposed to three times.

Krysten worried Stacia, who is so well put together and articulate, would intimate her groom, and Alexis called Morgan "a firecracker" and basically said Lindy talks too much regardless of how others react.

Mitch thought Miguel seemed sincere and is an upfront communicator, but there were crickets once Miguel said one of his poems out loud.

With 11 days until the weddings, the brides shopped for their wedding dresses and the men picked out a suits or tuxedos.


Alexis picked a strapless form-fitted dress with see-through elements on the bodice and a thigh-high slit. Stacia selected an A-line dress with thin straps and lace appliques.

Nine days until the weddings, the men celebrated a joint bachelor party while the women had a bachelorette party of their own.

Nate called himself "a freak," but Binh appeared afraid of the strippers and said he hoped his wife wasn't going to be into stuff like that.

Krysten complimented Morgan on being spunky, and Morgan said she'd like her husband to make a move and come onto her.

Nate got a little frisky during the bachelor party, slapping the exotic dancer with a whip and commanding her to get on her knees before he held her head and appeared to put whipped cream in her mouth, Stacia was telling her friends how she'd like a man with edge who receives attention from women but he must respect her boundaries and not invite the ladies to him and communicate with them.

Meanwhile, Justin's brother Donnell admitted he was "devastated and terrified" about Justin getting married because he didn't believe his brother was ready for this. Donnell thought he was "f-cking up," but Justin said he's a grown man who didn't need to be chastised by his own family.

After Miguel and Nate were shown picking out engagement rings for their wives, Justin threw up the night before his wedding out of nervousness, and Morgan said she felt nauseous due to excitement and anxiety of what was to come.

And Lindy was hoping her husband was going to be handsome and charismatic.


It then became time for the weddings. Alexis was ready to commit and not run, and she hoped for a man well over six feet, which she was going to get out of Justin.

Justin had picked out an engagement ring and a wedding band for his wife, who became emotional once her hair and makeup was done. Alexis cried in her mother's arms and worried about whether she was doing the right thing.

Donnell showed up to the wedding and he come around to the idea of at least slapping on a smile and being supportive of his brother.


Donnell admitted he was overprotective of Justin and didn't want to see him get hurt, but he acknowledged how Justin is the best man he knows and he hoped everything was going to work out for him.

Justin was afraid of not being fully loved and not being accepted for who he is. He hoped his wife was going to have caramel skin, brown eyes, and a sexy, soft voice.

When Alexis walked down the aisle, Justin smiled big and said, "Oh my God!" When he saw her for the first time, he called her "stunning," and she sweetly smiled and giggled at him.

"God did good!" Justin yelled, which made the crowd laugh.

Justin's family let Alexis know that Justin is a fun, charismatic and cool character who can be a bit annoying but very sweet.

Alexis was told Justin is a straightforward and good communicator, and the pair celebrated being dog lovers during the ceremony.


While Justin can be sensitive, Alexis learned he's confident, resilient and resourceful.

Justin learned Alexis is a powerhouse -- intelligent, beautiful, and filled with faith. He was told there's never a dull moment with her and she's fly, confident, loves fashion, and is a creative and adventurous person.

Alexis vowed to take care of Justin and give him a hot meal when he gets home. She promised to be patient and make their lives adventurous, exciting and full of passion.

In turn, Justin vowed to respect, admire and appreciate Alexis as well as support her and protect her freedom.

Justin said he'd strive to meet her needs in order to keep happy, and he wrote almost exactly the same line about keeping their lives exciting, adventurous and full of passion. He promised to treat her with compassion and work as a team.



Alexis and Justin shared a nice kiss at the altar.

After the wedding, Alexis admitted 6'8" is uncomfortably tall, but Justin called her the "perfect wife" looks-wise with "a personality out of this world."

The pair agreed they want children, but Alexis told her husband that she was annoyed by his frequent high fives.

"Physically, he's not awful, but he's not my type by looking at him. But as far as his banter, he makes me feel comfortable," Alexis told the cameras.

Justin revealed he had been engaged once before, five years prior, and they split a month before their wedding. Justin said he found his closure, moved on and worked on himself to be the best version of himself for the next person.

Alexis said that didn't turn her off because it showed he's willing to commit to somebody.


Alexis then shared how she had said "no" to three proposals due to an unrealistic expectation of what it takes to be in a long-lasting relationship and marriage.

Alexis said she knew right away why they were matched, and Justin even caught the Drake reference in her vows.

"Gosh, how did I get this lucky? Everything about her is perfect. We're only 15 minutes into this marriage and we have so much more to learn… but I am committed and in this forever. I am stuck and I want to be stuck!" Justin gushed in a confessional.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.