Married at First Sight featured Clint Webb contrasting Gina Micheletti to "athletic and slender" women in his past, Airris Williams saying he's not attracted to Jasmine Secrest behind her back, Domynique Kloss annoyed with Mackinley Gilbert's complaining, and Kirsten Grimes asking Shaquille Dillon to tone down his sense of humor during the Season 16 episode that aired Wednesday night on Lifetime.


The five Nashville-based Married at First Sight couples for Season 16 are Gina and Clint, Kirsten and Shaquille, Airris and Jasmine, Domynique and Mackinley, and Nicole Lilienthal and Chris Thielk.


Married at First Sight experts Pastor Calvin Roberson and Dr. Pepper Schwartz matched the five couples for matrimony in Tennessee.

The show features strangers meeting at the wedding altar and then spending the next eight weeks embarking on a honeymoon, moving in together, and navigating the joys and struggles of daily life together.


And at the end of the experiment, Married at First Sight's Season 16 couples will reach "Decision Day" and have to decide whether to remain married or decide to end their marriages and divorce.

According to Pastor Cal, this is going to be the "most intense season of Married at First Sight yet."

The Married at First Sight broadcast began on Day 6 of marriage with Domynique rating her attraction to Mackinley a 6.5 on a scale from 1-10. However, she rated their romance at only a three or four, saying that Mackinley's "constant joking" was bothersome and hurt his rating.

"I'm not a 24/7 sh-t talking kind of girl. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say," Domynique said in a confessional.

Domynique then FaceTimed with her mother and vented about how Mackinley was apprehensive to try new things and she seemed a lot more adventurous than her husband.


Meanwhile, Gina and Clint were growing closer every day, but Clint was trying to open Gina up on a deeper level and learn more about her hobbies, her values and her past. She seemingly had the tendency to talk about her business as a hairstylist and salon owner constantly.

"It's all about the salon. Everything goes back to the salon and circles back to the salon, the salon, the salon! I've heard enough about the salon! Who is Gina? What is Gina about? What does Gina want outside of the salon? Stop with the salon," Clint complained in a confessional.

The pair was also still lacking a physical and sexual attraction, but Gina was optimistic that could come with time as long as they continued to build on their emotional connection and get to know each other better.

Jasmine and Airris were then shown getting a couple's massage. Jasmine was still concerned about the fact Airris had never been in love with a woman before and therefore may never be able to fall in love with her. She called it "a bomb" dropped on her, but Airris didn't want to spend their honeymoon focused on hypotheticals.

Jasmine then massaged her husband's legs and pointed out how that's the most physical intimacy they had to date. Airris said he thought their relationship was progressing naturally and moving at a comfortable pace, but Jasmine seemed a bit frustrated.


"Hearing that takes me back some. He was just talking about sex and asking me [about my favorite sexual position] and now he doesn't seem to be interested, and that's a little alarming for me," Jasmine admitted to the cameras.

While Nicole and Chris were cuddling in a hammock, Chris explained to her how he didn't want to rush sex because he didn't want their marriage to become about that. Chris promised Nicole that he wanted to have sex with her and he definitely wanted her.


But Chris had come out of two previous relationships with an unhealthy sex dynamic. In one relationship, Chris said he and the woman had sex three times during the whole relationship. And in the next relationship, Chris explained how they used sex to mask their problems.

Nicole shared how she also had extreme experiences with sex. Nicole said she had a great sex life with a man before but wondered if he truly cared about her on a personal level. And then with another person, Nicole suggested the sex wasn't special to the man and he had been cheating on her.


"I never felt [a man] being fully satisfied with me. I almost felt like a stand-in... like I could've been anyone. So when we have sex, I would like you to vocalize that you're happy to have sex with me and not just happy to have sex," Nicole told Chris.

Chris admitted it had been a while since he was last intimate with a woman and he was a little anxious and nervous about whether his performance in the bedroom would please Nicole, but his wife didn't seem worried.

The five couples then gathered together for a conversation. Clint and Gina said their relationship had been smooth, and Nicole opened up about how Chris' personality complemented her wild nature.

Mackinley acknowledged he can be "a lot to handle," which prompted Domynique to say that she had trouble understanding and appreciating her husband's sense of humor.

Clint, referencing one of Airris' jaw-dropping comments from the bachelor party, then playfully asked Airris, "Have you blown Jasmine's back out yet?"

Airris revealed he and Jasmine were still on first base.

"I think Jasmine is attractive, and I feel like I'm a very, very, very sexual person. But that hasn't served me well in my past relationships and so I'm trying to take a different approach," Airris explained to the group.

Jasmine admitted to the cameras she was "confused" about what Airris was feeling since he's a very sexual person. She suggested his explanation didn't really make sense to her.

Gina then shared with her fellow cast members how she and Clint were missing physical chemistry but there's no "secret sauce" to make it happen.

"The physical component -- typically, the girls I have dated are very athletic and slender," Clint announced. "So that's just the type of mold that I'm attracted to."

At this point, most of the men looked down at their feet, and Domynique admitted her jaw was "on the floor" and she was totally "shocked" about Clint's comment. Given Clint was sitting next to multiple curvy women, Domynique accused Clint of being unable to read a room.


"What the hell, bro?!" Domynique vented in a confessional.

The group then went horseback riding on the beach, and Gina said she was trying to stay open-minded. Gina called Clint's remark "a slap in the face," but she clearly didn't want to make a scene in front of her friends or ruin the outing.


Before the adventure started, Mackinley -- who had been boasting about his horseback riding skills about nine hours beforehand -- told Domynique that he had never ridden a horse before.

Domynique didn't know what to believe considering Mackinley joked all the time, and it disappointed her when he complained about his horse pooping in the water and how the journey was "nothing to write home about."

That night, Airris spoke to Jasmine about how it appeared Nicole didn't really like Chris because she had initially wanted to have sex on Night 2 of her marriage only to preach about taking things slow during the honeymoon. Jasmine noted how the same issue could be applied to Airris.

"I just feel more of a friend vibe instead of like an intimate, romantic partner [with Jasmine], and I don't know if that's normal. I've never been like that in the past. I've been hyper-focused on sex, so right now, I'm trying to look at [not having sex] as a positive," Airris explained to the cameras.

Meanwhile, Gina was acting very quiet and standoffish with Clint. She was apparently feeling "so offended" by Clint's earlier comment that she didn't even "have words" for him.

And Domynique asked Mackinley to stop complaining, "do better" and "stop making excuses."

On Day 7 of marriage, Kirsten and Shaquille took a dance class together on a cliff, and Kirsten gushed about how she shared that connection with her husband and she loved his big personality.

After Nicole and Chris were shown going kayaking and talking about their pet-peeves -- such as dishes in the sink for Chris, or getting splashed in a pool for Nicole -- Chris shared with Nicole how he only did laundry once a month and didn't want her to think he's lazy.

Nicole said she wouldn't mind washing their sheets and she also loves to unwind and relax after work. Chris thought it was amazing they were both being vulnerable and putting themselves out there.


In the afternoon, the Married at First Sight grooms got together over cocktails on the beach, and so did the Season 16 brides.

Chris told the men that he didn't see any red flags with Nicole but neither of them had lived with a significant other before. Nicole expressed the same thing, that they're going to have three dogs and very demanding jobs once they returned home to Nashville.

"We're nervous that the stress of all of that is going to hurt our relationship," Nicole explained.

Clint advised Chris to stand his ground because Nicole was clearly "a firecracker" who might stomp on him, but Chris felt he and his wife were going to balance each other out. Chris didn't appreciate Clint's insults about his wife, but he just allowed Clint to rant and be the center of attention.

Chris essentially said Clint needed to get that out of his system every now and then.

Domynique then told the girls how Mackinley complained too much and his sense of humor wasn't exactly attractive, and Kirsten said she had a similar issue with Shaquille, that sometimes he joked around too much.



Mackinley then shared how he needed to stop trying to be funny all the time while Domynique got to know him.

Clint, however, advised Mackinley to be 100% himself from the start so they could get to the core if they're truly compatible. Mackinley, however, noted how he was willing to compromise.

For Jasmine's part, she said Airris called her "pretty" and "fine" all the time but he wasn't trying to rip her clothes off. Jasmine thought her husband was very sweet, but she hoped their sexual chemistry was going to grow.

Airris then opened up to the guys, revealing, "On a scale from 1-10 of being attracted to me, I feel [Jasmine] is at, like, a 12. And I feel like I'm at, like, a four or five. And I feel bad, almost. I almost feel guilty. She's won beauty pageants, so obviously she's an attractive woman, but my type is a little bit different than what I got."

Airris told the cameras that Jasmine was "dope and amazing," but she was also different from the type of women he typically went after. Airris shared how he's "a butt man" and Serena Williams has a perfect butt whereas Jasmine was "a little too small."


Airris thought things could turn around, but Jasmine apparently had no idea how Airris felt.

On the topic of sex, Gina said, "I'm just trying to get through my next conversation."

Nicole then asked Gina how she felt about Clint's "gross" comments, and the women complimented Gina for handling that situation so well. The women complained about how Clint had vocalized such an insult in front of his wife but also in front of multiple other curvaceous women.

"I was offended... Clint, you're a d-ck," Nicole told the group, adding how Clint's comments were "inaccurate" and "offensive to every woman out there with a real natural body."

Gina insisted her waist measures 26 inches and she's both athletic and slender, and so she called that "a hit." Gina admitted she was "fuming" about the comment, especially since she's in the business of empowering women and making them feel beautiful and confident in their own skin.

Meanwhile, Mackinley called Clint out on an "oh sh-t" moment for calling Gina "thicker." Clint, however, clarified how he just said he typically dated "more slender" women. Clint insisted he always takes people's feelings into account and it wasn't even about the physical for him.


"She's all about the hair salon. It's all hair salon and it's all business," Clint lamented.

"Is this just a big promo for the hair salon? Is that what you're doing? What are your intentions for doing this? I have no benefit for this experience other than me walking away with a lifetime partner."

Mackinley said he's had a couple of small businesses and it tends to take over one's mind, and then he declared how Gina is "sexy" and "gorgeous" and he thought Clint was "crazy" for not thinking the same way.

Mackinley even told the cameras, "I don't see [Clint] pulling girls better looking than Gina," which prompted Clint to beg the men not to leave him on his own island.


Once they reunited, Mackinley apologized to Domynique for taking his joking too far, being misleading, and for coming across negative. Mackinley said he was trying new things and stepping out of his comfort zone for Domynique, and he was happy that she was having that influence over him.


Domynique shared how Mackinley's complaining had an affect on her and had the potential to ruin an activity for her as well. Domynique gave Mackinley "a pass," but she noted how they still needed to work on his bad attitude.

When Kirsten returned to Shaquille following her time with the girls, Shaquille said he didn't think Clint was "wrong" because even Airris admitted he wasn't physically attracted to his wife.

Shaquille caught Kirsten off-guard, and Kirsten was shocked Airris had lied to Jasmine as a result.

Shaquille explained how Airris probably didn't want to hurt Jasmine's feelings or make shame of her, but Kirsten believed honesty is the best policy.

"He just said yesterday she's beautiful," Kirsten noted.

"Well, I'm telling you what he said," Shaquille clapped back.


Kirsten then opened up to Shaquille about how he joked around too much with her and she'd prefer him to have just "a little" sense of humor. Since Kirsten wasn't physically attracted to him and didn't like his sense of humor, Shaquille asked what she actually liked about him.

Kirsten clarified how she liked Shaquille's sense of humor but there's a time and a place for it. Kirsten explained how she wanted him to be serious when a situation called for that.

However, she also told Shaquille to be himself and then she'd let him know if he needed some correction or to take things down a notch.

"I won't allow you to change who I am about having a sense of humor," Shaquille lamented in a confessional.

"Sometimes I have corny jokes and sometimes my jokes are hilarious. That's just my sense of humor, and if I can't share that with my wife, then I don't know if we are even compatible because I love to have fun, joke around and just to laugh."

Shaquille apparently got angry, but he told Kirsten that he was just trying to understand her. In turn, Kirsten accused her husband of not taking criticism very well.


"Be you, honey," Kirsten said.

"But you don't like that," Shaquille responded.

Kirsten concluded that she didn't like to talk in circles and she had already answered his questions. Kirsten attempted to explain that she liked Shaquille's comical side but she also wanted to get to know him on a serious level -- and then joke and laugh and have a good time.

Once Jasmine and Airris reunited, Jasmine dished about how she falls in love easily and so she was scared she was going to get to that point with Airris, only to not have those feelings reciprocated and be rejected.

Airris asked Jasmine to pump the brakes and called the situation "awkward," but Jasmine disagreed and confirmed that she wasn't falling in love with him yet.

Airris said he just needed time and he thought they were moving in the right direction. Airris assured Jasmine that he was ready and willing to deal with peaks and valleys in their relationship, which provided some relief and reassurance for his wife.


The episode concluded with Gina expressing to Clint how she was offended by his comment about her weight. Clint said Gina had preluded to that, but Gina said Clint had made that "athletic and slender" reference when he's not even aware of how much she works out.

Clint pointed out how the term "ginger" can also be offensive to people and she had made it clear that she doesn't like redheads.

Gina apologized to Clint if he found that offensive, but she said she actually specializes in doing red hair and so she never thought of "ginger" being a negative or derogatory term.

"I never meant to offend you. I was just defining past relationships and who I typically gravitate to," Clint explained.

Gina said Clint had offended everyone in the room and she wants a man who can read the room, but Clint pointed out how he's just an honest man who speaks his mind.

Gina reiterated how Clint's comment was "rude" and made the other curvy women feel uncomfortable, but Clint said, "You're trying to position it, and that's not what happened."


Gina then fired back, "If you think you honestly said nothing wrong, I don't think there's anything left to say in this conversation. I think it's best for us, for the duration of this honeymoon, to spend some time apart."

Gina said she expected a little bit more from Clint, at least some remorse, and so she was surprised.

"I think I'm learning that Clint is the person who will talk at you, and it's a huge red flag for me," Gina told the cameras.

Gina wrapped up the argument by telling Clint she was "done" with the conversation, and then Clint said she should be done.

"She's got no leg to stand on. What an unfortunate turn of events!" Clint shouted as Gina walked away from him. "What a shame! Unreal! Unreal. Tries to turn the tide. So when you lose, you default to walking away. That's a fault. That is how adults acts."

Clint expressed to the cameras how Gina didn't want to have a "civilized" conversation with him and was "cantankerous." He said Married at First Sight had been "a game" for Gina.


"I think she's looking for an out," Clint said. "All of a sudden you're going to villainize me at the peril of making yourself look good. So is there redemption here? It's hard to say, but this is making me think."


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.