Married at First Sight premiered with Lindsey and Mark Maher tying the knot as strangers and Mark seeming a little overwhelmed by her boisterous personality after viewers were introduced to Season 14's five brides and five grooms during the three-hour episode Wednesday night on Lifetime.


The five brides who were selected to wed on Season 14 of Married at First Sight are Alyssa, 30, Jasmina, 29, Katina, 29, Lindsey, 34, and Noi, 33.

The five grooms who are starring on the new edition are Chris, 35, Michael, 28, Olajuwon, 29, Mark, 37, and Steve, 38.


In addition to Lindsey and Mark, the other pairs of strangers matched for matrimony on Season 14 were Alyssa and Chris, Jasmina and Michael, Katina and Olajuwon, and Noi and Steve.


Married at First Sight's experts Pastor Calvin Roberson, Dr. Pepper Schwartz, and Dr. Viviana Coles matched the couples once again.

The Married at First Sight broadcast began with an introduction to the 10 Boston-based singles, who were about to marry a stranger in 14 days and share their big news with family and friends.

The MAFS experts matched Lindsey, "The Wild Card," with Mark, "Mr. Wicked Committed."

Mark -- whom his friends call "Mark the Shark" because when he sees something he wants, he goes after it -- said he's been wanting to get married for a long time and applied for Season 6, when Married at First Sight filmed in Boston for the first time.

Mark, 37, said he moves faster than other people in relationships, has a type and knows what he likes. If he dates a woman for six to eight months, he said he likes to move in with her -- which has caught women in the past by surprise and apparently scared them off.


"I am looking for the girl of my dreams, and I want to swim with her in the ocean. I want us to have baby sharks and I want us to have a family!" shared Mark, whose kids for the time being are three cats.

Mark said his cats seem to be a reason why he's still single because most women he meets are allergic to them.

Mark told the cameras how he was raised in a good family and never got into trouble, but then everything went downhill in 2019 when his father died from cancer that spread throughout his body. His grandmother, age 96, is also in a nursing home with dementia and forgets who Mark is.

Mark's mother Rose is also in rehab because she allegedly makes poor decisions and can't take care of herself.

"Waking up on holidays, I'm waking up alone... and all I want to do is watch movies on a cold Christmas night and have hot chocolate and get stupid matching pajamas together," Mark noted.


"I'm looking for my wife. She's out there. She's lost and needs to be found, and I'm going to find her."


Mark's best friend John said Mark is private about how much he needs to care for his mother, and he hoped Mark's future wife would be supportive and understanding.

Lindsey, 34, was then shown revealing to her father and brother how she planned to get married in two weeks.

Lindsey said her friends view her as being "a lot" because she'd jump out of a plane on any random flight but likes to go to bed at 9:30PM. She also likes rules, which made dating hard for her since she doesn't fit into a circle.


"I've been ready to be married for a long time. And a year ago, I was planning my wedding to somebody I was in a long-term relationship with. Five days before the wedding, he called it off," Lindsey revealed.

"It was devastating to me, but I really want a family and future. I think I deserve it and I'm worthy of it."

Lindsey said she has so much to offer and she's a natural caretaker. She also has a cat and always thrived on connecting with others.

However, Lindsey's parents split four years before filming began and she acknowledged having a rough relationship with her mother. Lindsey allegedly hadn't seen her in three years, and she was looking for her true love.

"I'm a needle in a haystack. I am a catch! And I am not afraid to put myself out there for love. What's the worst thing that could happen, I'm still not married?" Lindsey joked.

Lindsey's father and brother accused Lindsey of chewing men up and spitting them out if they're not right for her. Her future husband also must be patient as a saint, according to her dad, who said Lindsey has a very strong personality with no filter and tends to react before responding.

"You're a lot to handle, so I hope he's a lion tamer," Lindsey's dad said.

Pastor Cal said Mark would appreciate the fun and lightheartedness Lindsey could bring to his life while he deals with the stress of ailing family members. The pastor predicted the pair would have a red-hot connection.

The second couple matched was Katina, "Party Chick No More," and Olajuwon, "The Ex-Playboy."

The singles were apparently ready to trade in their clubbing nights for quiet dinners at home and put down roots.

It had been a long time since Olajuwon was in a true relationship.


"I am single because the last two years, I've been working on myself and figuring out who Olajuwon truly is. Some of my relationships didn't work out in the past because I was a different person. I cheated and I wasn't being truthful," he admitted.

Olajuwon used to tell women his name was Isaac, and he confessed to having been immature in the past when just living in the moment, enjoying his young life, and not caring for other people's hearts.


Olajuwon insisted he's not that person any more. Today, Olajuwon said he thinks about others before himself when he used to think about only his mother -- his best friend -- and himself.

Olajuwon had lost his father when he was 16 years old and lamented about how his father never got to see him graduate. He commends his mother for getting them "out of the ghetto and into the suburbs."

"If I can get my wife to love me even close to how my mother does, I'll be excited," he shared.

Olajuwon wants his children to grow up in a household with a mother and a father who are happily married, and he insisted his childish ways were gone and he'd never look back.

Olajuwon wanted to add a wife to his house with a picket fence and said he was definitely ready to tie the knot.

Olajuwon told his family that he'd like to have "a traditional wife," a woman who would welcome him at home with a hot meal after a day's work. Olajuwon said "cooking is huge" and that's how he envisioned his marriage.

When asked what he'd do if his wife can't cook, Olajuwon replied, "That's not a wife! That's not a wife... That really is [a dealbreaker]."

Katina shared how she's the life of the party when she's single but she was ready to leave that behind for one man. Katina wants to Netflix and chill with her husband, but she hadn't been in a relationship for a long time due to the men being unfaithful.

"I was in a relationship where the person had another girlfriend on the side and he was literally dating us the same amount of time," Katina revealed. "I found out a year later, after the fact."


Katina said she ended up receiving a phone call from the man's other girlfriend.

Katina was a baby when her parents divorced and her father was incarcerated from when she was an infant through adulthood. Katina wished she had a father-daughter relationship and observed a happily married couple and how they interact and show love.

"When I got into a relationship with a guy, it was kind of trial and error," Katina noted.

Katina hoped to meet a man who's on the same page and would bring her some peace as well as a real commitment. Katina hadn't been in a serious relationship for three years and almost forgot what it felt like to love somebody.

Pastor Cal thought Katina and Olajuwon would be a great match considering they had both grown up in single-parent homes and therefore had a desire to create a two-parent home, where they could create stability for themselves and their future children.

The third couple is Noi, "Quietly Noizy," and Steve, "Mr. Free Spirit."


Steve's family was excited to hear about his upcoming wedding, including his mother who is known for being a worry-wart.

Steve called himself an adventurous person and big risk-taker. He said he'd love to go skydiving or parasailing with his wife and he previously worked in software sales for a large company. In November, after he was apparently laid off from his job, he picked up and moved south to avoid another harsh winter in Boston.


Steve lived in his car during that road trip and said he realized it doesn't take much to make him happy. Steve, who comes from a big family, would like to have a wife and children.

Steve's grandparents were a product of an arranged marriage and his uncle and aunt as well, and both couples are still married today. He was hoping for adventure and possibility with his match.

Steve was doing freelance work at the time and intended on telling his wife he would be getting back into his sales career soon. He was clearly between jobs, and Steve's family worried that would turn his wife off.


Noi, 33, is shy upon first meeting people but her alter-ego is "Noizy," a woman who likes to dance, wear wigs, be goofy and get dressed up. She is a self-declared hopeless romantic who has flown across oceans to find true love.

"I met this man in Bulgaria. I thought he was my soul mate. We traveled to Europe and it was beautiful... but then it didn't work out. And then there was a man from the U.K. He invited me to Mexico... We had a fabulous time but that obviously didn't work out," Noi revealed.

Noi therefore moved to the East Coast about a year-and-a-half before filming began to start over. She said she was tired of doing the same thing and having disappointing outcomes.

Noi comes from a family of refugees and she was even born in a refugee camp along with her sister, and so she noted how family is everything to her. Noi has been in the U.S. since the young age of two and explained how she didn't have much money growing up.

However, Noi's parents stayed married through immense adversity, and she said marrying a man and having a similar type of strong relationship would be a dream come true for her.

"I want to leave a legacy. I want to make memories. And I want to have children with someone. I want someone who feels like home, who feels like my safe place where I can really be myself," Noi explained.


Pastor Cal said Noi and Steve are both dreamers who share fundamental values and both come from strong, loving families.

Season 14's fourth couple is Jasmina, "Ms. No Nonsense," and Michael, "Training for Love." They both cherish large families are looking to build large families of their own.

Dr. Viviana called Jasmina and Michael "a cultural match" as well.

Jasmina, 29, said she had made a bad habit of being with men who are emotionally unavailable. Her first serious relationship ended because the man allegedly wasn't willing to settle down.

And the last person Jasmina was involved with, he had a baby behind her back. Jasmina said it was probably the worst thing that had ever happened to her.

"Marriage to me is definitely not a joke. I take it very seriously, and not being around successful marriages when I was young, I always said that I wanted to be that change," Jasmina explained. "I am a child of nine, the third oldest -- all girls and one boy."


Jasmina said she never met some of her siblings because her biological mother left her as a toddler. Jasmina's father remarried when she was seven to a woman named Kimberly, but Jasmina said that relationship also ended in divorce and then her dad moved to Jamaica.

Kimberly now has custody of Jasmina and some of her sisters, who called her stepmother her "superhero" and "everything."

Jasmina hoped to be matched with a funny guy who would both challenge and support her -- but not play games. She had never lived with a boyfriend before but planned to go through the process with an optimistic attitude.

Kimberly found the whole situation of marrying a stranger "terrifying" and didn't want to see Jasmina get hurt.

Meanwhile, Michael, 28, said he hoped to have had at least one child by his age since he comes from a big family and wants a big family. His father passed away when he was 11 or 12 years old and then his brother died after being shot.

Michael also lost his mother to breast cancer when he was 20 years old and in college. Michael recalled having to pull himself out of a dark place, and he said it had been difficult to let people in.


"I've always been a lone wolf and I like to process things on my own, and I think that's been a block in my relationships," Michael explained. "It's hard to open up to somebody about these things if you haven't processed the emotions within yourself."

Michael said while he had dated wife material, he couldn't fully give himself to those women and would amplify negative things he didn't like about them -- not just their looks -- in order to not feel guilty about his lack of commitment.

Michael insisted he was not ready to commit to someone and be a good life partner, and his family cried happy tears about the big wedding news. Michael was advised by his loved ones to compromise with his partner.

Pastor Cal said Jasmina's pragmatic nature can help Michael's tendency to overthink things while Michael's reliability is exactly what Jasmina needs after years of relationships in which she's put in more than she's gotten out.

And the fifth couple this season are Alyssa, "Looking For Her Forever Home," and Chris, "Mr. Monogamy," whom Dr. Pepper predicted would be an "unstoppable match."

Chris revealed how he had been in relationships since high school that would last a few years and then end. He said he loves to play disc golf and is the President of the Flying Disk Association, which hadn't helped him in dating.


Chris shared how he has a deep-down drive to be successful and financially well off, and he believed he was still single at the time because he's bad at picking women to hopefully spend the rest of his life.

Chris admitted he would go to a bar on a Friday night and then pick an attractive women before wasting her time and his own time.

Chris hoped to find a lasting and strong love other people would envy, but his mother worried Chris would meet his bride at the altar and ask himself, "What have I done?!"

"That's a good question," Chris acknowledged, seemingly realizing he may not be attracted to his wife or vice versa.

Alyssa, 30, said her husband must love animals because she rescues dogs and cats and then matches them with forever families. She was still looking for her own "forever" person after dating "a million people," she joked.

Alyssa wanted to find a loving, loyal, funny, outgoing, handsome and caring man, and she's a country girl who loves country music and riding horses. Alyssa spends a lot of time on a farm and admitted, "I am literally the only single person out of all my friends. When you see other people who have something special, you want that."


Alyssa had poured her heart and soul into her last relationship, which lasted for two-and-a-half years. Alyssa said she and the guy had looked at engagement rings, only for him to suddenly break up with her and devastate her.

Alyssa proceeded to go on dates with men who just weren't right for her and so she opted to try Married at First Sight and put into the universe what she really wants.

Alyssa's mother Josie felt this process was "meant to be" for Alyssa and that when her daughter loves, she loves hard.

Pastor Cal said Alyssa and Chris are both full of ambition and extremely passionate about their hobbies. He said the pair are straight-forward communicators, even when it comes to delivering some tough love, and they are both looking for similar traits and qualities in a partner.

The Season 14 brides then met each other, and so did the season's grooms.

Lindsey revealed to the women how she hadn't asked the experts for anything physically in her partner except for not wanting a man with "a belly and baby teeth." And the men were concerned their brides weren't going to be attracted to them.


Lindsey cried about how she didn't think her mother was going to attend her wedding when the other brides had very supportive mothers, but Jasmina shared how she didn't have a relationship with her biological mother.

Jasmina also told the ladies how she seemed to be the girl to fix guys for their future relationships, but Lindsey called Jasmina "a knockout" and figured her husband would be blown away by her good looks at first sight.

Katina admitted how guys she had dated happened to have other girlfriends simultaneously, and Olajuwon confessed how he had been a player but was prepared to be vulnerable and go all in.

"Olajuwon is the youngest one out of the bunch, so I hope he has done the growth that he's talking about so that he's ready for this relationship. But if not, that could be problematic," Steve told the cameras.

And Michael pointed out how Mark the Shark's wife would need to be aggressive and appreciate a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, but Michael acknowledged how he's very picky and had cut ties with past partners over one dealbreaker or turnoff.

As the cast members got to know each other, Alyssa determined that Lindsey was "a lot," especially when Lindsey announced she would "big-foot" a dog if her husband had a pet and she doesn't like animals.


"I feel like I'm the complete opposite of her, like, I'm very quiet and I don't know if I see me and her being best friends," Alyssa noted.

The men also discussed potentially consummating their marriages on the first night, and Mark joked about how he'd be ready for kids in eight weeks. Olajuwon, however, said he didn't even care for a sexual relationship right off the bat because he really wanted to get to know someone this time.

Steve said he was in no rush, but Alyssa admitted she wouldn't want to have sex right after her wedding. The girls joked about how Noi would probably be open to having sex because she happened to be the quiet one in the group.

After the fun meeting, each bride shopped for her dream wedding dress and each groom picked out his suit with a little over one week to go until the big wedding day.

Lindsey picked a lace ballgown with a low neckline, and one of her friends joked about how Lindsey had dated some "dubs" and she couldn't end up with a boring or impatient man since Lindsey is a lot to handle.

"I hope he's good-looking. I hope they didn't do me wrong!" Lindsay said of her groom, who selected a traditional black and white tuxedo.


Mark believed that his mother was "holding on" to watch his son find someone, and he cried at the thought. Mark said it would be "the best finale" for his mother to watch him find the woman he could love.

Michael picked out a burgundy tuxedo that he felt confident in and could dance in, and Jasmina decided on a strapless, form-fitted, trumpet-style dress with a ruffled bottom.

With four days until the wedding, the men celebrated together at their bachelor party and the women let loose with a bachelorette party of their own.

Lindsey joked about how she had met a bartender earlier in the week and should've enjoyed one last night of freedom, and her fellow brides seemed a little annoyed with her, and Mark and Olajuwon also got some partying out of their system.

Noi also appeared to have a good time dancing and twerking, and Katina could tell Noi has "some spice to her." Noi told her friends that she'd like to stay up all night talking to her husband in order to get to know him better but she wasn't against sleeping with him.

"It could be a one-night stand that lasts forever!" Noi announced with a big smile.


Katina said she's big on emotions and communication, but Michael's friends accused him of being guarded and closed off in past relationships. Michael wanted to change, but his friends weren't sure marrying a stranger was going to be the ideal situation for him.

Lindsey joked about how she had forgotten Alyssa's name because Alyssa was essentially "missing" at her bachelorette party. Alyssa, who appeared to be sitting in a corner with a couple of her closest pals, said she wasn't interested in drinking and partying, and she felt no shame in that.

With only one day to go until the weddings, Lindsey was feeling frazzled and feared she'd have no time for herself after getting married. She was nervous and embarrassed to talk about her "family stuff," saying the history felt like "a sticky cloud" over her.

Lindsey's brother asked their mother to attend the wedding, but he said he couldn't make her do anything. Lindsay acknowledged you can't always pour into somebody who refuses to pour into you.

"Tomorrow is going to be the greatest day of my life," Mark gushed.

It then became time for the five couples' wedding day, and Alyssa hoped to be matched with an outgoing person so he wouldn't be capable of being awkward around her.

The first couple to get married was Lindsey and Mark, and Lindsey was feeling cool, calm and collected going into her big day.

"If the stranger doesn't like me, then that's his problem," Lindsey snapped. "I'm going to be an amazing wife. I am just ready... I feel like it's my time."

Mark didn't want to disappoint his wife, and so he was optimistic she'd be as ecstatic as he intended to be. Mark had said his prayers and popped some champagne with his groomsmen, and then he was shown having a quick conversation with his mother on the phone.

Mark's mother was skeptical of her son's decision, and he just wished both of his parents could have been with him that day.

Lindsey told her father that she felt like this marriage was going to last forever, and she was just happy to have people who loved her at the wedding.

"I can't wait until you say, 'I love you.' I've been waiting 37 years to meet you!" Mark gushed 20 minutes before the wedding. "I'm so excited for the future... If my marriage ends in divorce, I'll be brokenhearted."


Lindsey appeared to drink a lot of champagne on the ride over to her wedding and seemed tipsy. Not only did she burp before "becoming a lady," but she also had to go to the bathroom when her groom was waiting for her at the top of the aisle.

Lindsey was energetic upon meeting Mark and gushed about loving his short last name, although she's afraid of sharks. However, she declared that he had "small hands" and so she'd "figure that one out later."

The soon-to-be newlyweds were all smiles, and Lindsey said she liked Mark's nice teeth.

Lindsey's family and friends wanted Mark to know that she's quite a woman who's always up for a challenge and is fiercely loyal. She wanted a supportive and loving husband, and Mark learned Lindsey shares what's on her mind at all times, often with no filter.

Mark's family and friends told Lindsey that Mark is generous, kind and loyal -- and that he's make his wife the center of his universe. Lindsey discovered Mike goes "all in" and wears his heart on his sleeve.

In their self-written vows, Lindsey shared how she would honor, respect, care for and love him, while bringing fun and adventures to his life. Lindsey said she'd make their family a priority and always choose her first, and she asked him to cherish her.

Mark said he appreciated Lindsey taking a leap of faith to be with him and he couldn't wait to get to know her. He vowed to show her a love that she never felt was possible, and he promised he was ready to be a husband and commit to her.

"I will always be your anchor in life," Mark said.

"That's very sweet, thank you," Lindsey replied.

Mark struggled to get the ring on Lindsey's finger, which was a bit of an awkward moment, but the couple just laughed through it. Lindsey and Mark then participated in a couple of her Greek Orthodox traditions, including wearing crowns.

Mark and Lindsey kissed once they officially became husband and wife, and Mark called Lindsey "beautiful."

Mark revealed how he's the regional manager of three gyms, and Lindsey said she's a project manager for Boston Public Health.


Lindsey and Mark bonded over having an early bedtime, and Lindsey was smitten with the idea of Mark working out early in the morning so he could return to his family right after work and spend time with them. Lindsey thought her husband seemed wonderful.

Mark said he'd be totally fine if his wife makes more money than him because he'd be willing to clean the house, take care of the kids and have her dinner ready.

Lindsey gushed to the cameras about how Mark would probably appreciate the fun and adventure she'd bring to his life while she'd enjoy the stability he could bring to hers.

Lindsey and Mark are also very clean, Type A people, and Lindsey said she's a Tomboy who hates baby talk and dairy. Lindsey told Mark to "buckle up," and then he began sweating and said his wife clearly had a lot of energy.

Mark then revealed how he has three cats. Given Lindsey loves cats and already had two of them, she joked about how she would get rid of hers since they couldn't own five cats.

Lindsey was shouting and sprawled across a park bench, and Mark seemed a little overwhelmed.



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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.