Married at First Sight star Juan Franco has explained the real reasons why he chose to divorce Karla Juarez at the end of the show.

"I really, truly hate that it has come to this. It's sad," Juan began in a recent tell-all Instagram video.


Juan and Karla appeared to get along great and have fun with each other on Married at First Sight's 18th season, resulting in fans rooting for them as a couple and wanting to see more of their dance parties and music sessions.

But Juan was lacking an attraction to Karla, and she, in turn, was left craving affection and validation that simply never came. The couple therefore chose to get a divorce on "Decision Day."

In response to backlash he had "robbed" Karla of a genuine Married at First Sight experience, Juan took to Instagram and shared his side of the story.

Juan explained in his Instagram video that he had signed up for Married at First Sight hoping to "meet the love of my life" while also having "realistic" expectations his marriage to a total stranger may not last forever.

"The survival rate of couples on the show is like 20 percent. So there was an 80 percent chance we wouldn't make it or I'd be matched with someone I wasn't really into, and I was okay with that," Juan noted.

Juan said he planned to have a great time with his wife no matter what, and he proudly stated, "And that's what I did."

"People have said that I robbed Karla of the opportunity to find love on this show, and Karla didn't rob me of anything and I didn't rob Karla of anything either," Juan insisted.

"When you go on Married at First Sight, you have no contractual obligation to love, cherish, respect or anything. Season after season, a person is not into the other person, and they're literally mean to them. And I never was that!"

Juan went on to say he "wasn't into Karla for very obvious reasons."

Juan shared, "I think she's a pretty girl, but everyone has their type and she's just not my type. Physically, she is jut not my type."
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Secondly, Juan said Karla let her lease run out and he helped her move all of her belongings into a storage unit.

"I get it, you wanted to save money while filming the show, but you know, I wasn't very fond of that. That's just not showing me responsibility, and it's now showing me stability," Juan explained.

Juan said he didn't make a big deal of that on the show, but then Karla lost her job at a salon.

"She actually got fired from that job because she didn't see eye to eye with her boss," Juan recalled.

"I wasn't necessarily happy. She had no plan... She had a job that she booked in New York, which she didn't even have a rate for."

Juan said he had given Karla the benefit of the doubt and chose to move forward, but as he got to know her better, he apparently realized they have very different lifestyles.

"I don't disrespect her lifestyle, but it doesn't align with me. I'm not into tarot, I'm not into burning of the sage and all that, and palo santo. My mom is Catholic and my brother reads tarot, but that doesn't define me," Juan clarified.

"I wasn't into the crystals, and it was just too much for me... And I did talk about it on the show; I'm not into that."

Juan proceeded to explain how Karla also "didn't really know how to cook."

Juan recalled how during one Married at First Sight episode, Karla didn't know how to turn on the gas oven in their Chicago apartment.

"She didn't really help me clean the apartment much. For me, personally, those are things that are, like, core values that weren't in line with my lifestyle," Juan said.

"And at the end of the day, I saw no future with Karla. That's it. I don't think there's anything wrong with Karla. There is a person out there for Karla."

Juan then dropped a bombshell claiming Married at First Sight viewers were not made privy to some of Karla's alleged biggest flaws or bad habits.

"The worst part about this is there were a lot of things that happened behind the scenes in confidentiality, and there were things that Karla did on the show which I won't talk about because I don't want to hurt her personal integrity and reputation," Juan claimed.

"There are three things that Karla did when I should've just stepped away, but I didn't. I kept going out of respect and I'm never going to publicly talk about those."

Juan said he had called Karla out on most of his issues with her while filming Married at First Sight but he chose not to "make a huge deal" out of them.

"I just respected her and said, 'I don't agree with this, but let's have fun and let's keep going and see if we gel.' But we never gelled, period, and that's it guys," Juan noted.

In a separate post on Reddit, Juan got into more detail about why Karla wasn't his type, and he revealed that he didn't like Karla's behavior off-camera.

"If I was just looking for someone beautiful, believe me, I've never had an issue (even with a bald spot), so I wouldn't have even went on MAFS. When I saw Karla, yes I thought she was beautiful, she has a nice face and eyes, but physically she's not my type," Juan wrote.

Juan went on to state how Karla was a tree hugger who didn't even own a car. He also claimed he had done "75% of the cleaning" in their apartment.

"Lastly, we spent a lot of time together and there was a lot you all didn't see, but I was turned off by her attitude behind the scenes," Juan wrote.

In terms of why he never had sex with Karla, Juan explained via his lengthy Reddit post, "For starters, I'm not desperate, I don't need to go on a show to get laid."

"Secondly," he continued, "I did care about Karla's feelings, and allowing myself to be intimate with Karla without feeling anything at all would have complicated things between her and I."

Juan added, "If I'm not emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually into you, trust me, I'm not going to be physically into you."

According to @MAFSfan, Karla's sister rushed to Karla's defense after Juan posted his rant on Instagram.

"Ouuwee Juancho, now that you got that off your chest, do you want to tell them the REAL reason it didn't work out and the BIG secret Karla has to keep for you after only knowing you for 24 hours.... I'll sit here and wait," Karla's sister wrote.

Juan replied to her, "Hey there, I never said anything about Karla on here that everyone didn't already see on TV except the fact that I wasn't fond of her attitude behind the scenes. Even that [was shown on TV] on the honeymoon."

Karla's sister subsequently invited Juan to speak the truth, and she concluded, "Trying to defame Karla with your lies will not get rid of your insecurities Juanchito."

Karla and Juan are clearly on bad terms at the moment. Their friendship must have fizzled out some time after they filmed the Married at First Sight: Chicago Reunion special one year after "Decision Day."

Part 1 of the MAFS reunion aired on Tuesday, March 11 on Lifetime, and Part 2 is set to air on Tuesday, March 18 at 8PM ET/PT on Lifetime.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.