A Michigan zoo welcomed the birth of a bongo calf, a critically endangered member of the antelope family.

The Potter Park Zoo in Lansing said mother bongo Uzuri, who has successfully raised calves in the past, gave birth to the baby March 5, and the calf has since been observed displaying healthy behaviors and gaining weight.

"Bongo are critically endangered, so each birth is special," Ronan Eustace, the Potter Park Zoo's director of animal health, said in the announcement.

Eastern bongos can grow up to 4 feet tall at the shoulders and adults can grow to more than 8 feet in length. Both males and females grow long, spiraling horns, a rare trait for antelopes.

The calf is currently being kept in an indoor area with its mother and the zoo said announcements will be coming soon about when the baby will greet the public for the first time.