Road Rules will kick off its thirteenth season of adventure on Monday, June 7th when MTV airs the half-hour season premiere of Road Rules X-TREME at 10PM ET/PT.


Travelling in an RV across Chile and Argentina, Road Rules 13's six roadies will be faced with fifteen of the most extreme challenges ever, including bungee-jumping over an active volcano and rappelling down a 210 foot waterfall.

As usual, guided only by a set of clues, each episode the six 18-23 year-olds will have to travel to a new destination and complete a predesignated mission in order to be able to proceed to their next location. If the group fails two missions, the roadies must vote off one cast member in order to say in contention for the show�s handsome reward. The removed member is replaced by a new person.

Having surrendered all their individual money and credit cards before filming began, the group must also carefully budget a small amount of show-supplied cash to get them through the entire ten week adventure.

Road Rules X-TREME's six initial cast members are :

• Danny, a 21-year-old from New Jersey. An openly gay man who prides himself on his masculinity, MTV describes Danny as cocky, witty and almost temperamental (sounds almost diva-like, no?) and finds it noteworthy that the majority of his friends are straight. Though he�s attracted to men who "match his manliness," Danny also admits that he�s still attracted to women -- which would, by most definitions of the term, characterize him as bisexual rather than gay. While estranged from his father, Danny has a very close but combustible relationship with his mother, with whom he still resides. Having previously been involved in a long string of relationships, Danny is now going for "the long haul" with his current boyfriend of 10 months.

• Derrick, a 20-year-old from Illinois. Despite being only 5' 6", Derrick is described by MTV as "a little bundle of energy" who's "confident almost to the point of cockiness." The son of Polish immigrants, a natural leader and the life of any party, the sparkplug was also the captain of his high school football, baseball and basketball teams (basketball?) With those glory days now behind him, Derrick remains on the field by coaching a youth football team. Knowing that there's nothing that women find more attractive than short men, Derrick, who acquaintances have been known to describe as having a Napoleon complex, says he likes to keep his relationships "casual and non-committal."

• Ibis, a 19-year-old from Florida. Raised in Puerto Rico until her family relocated to Florida when she was 10, Ibis is a spunky little firecracker who has no problem speaking her mind. Known for both her outright bluntness and a temper she can�t keep in check, the two traits have combined to get Ibis into trouble more than once. Having overcome her early difficulty in adapting to American life, Ibis can now just as easily get dolled up to go out with her sorority sisters as she can hang out and watch football with the guys. Another "outspoken leader," she also holds firm to her morals and beliefs and attends Mass every Sunday. Ibis loves listening to salsa and meringue music and eating her mother�s homemade food, and her latin background is sure to be an asset for the roadies during their South American adventures.

• Jodi, a 23-year-old from Virginia. Described by MTV as competitive, energetic, charismatic and easy going, Jodi is also said to be extremely outgoing, personable and the type of girl who makes friends everywhere she goes. Drawn to cars, bikes and "guy things," Jodi is a female jock who's "got more sports knowledge and skills than the average guy." Embracing the philosophy "work hard, play hard," Jodi will always find time for fun, and if she's not competing athletically against boys in basketball, she can be found on the motor cross track or jet skiing or dancing it up at a club and running the streets with her girlfriends. Having recently ended a five-year relationship, Jodi loves her new single status and is enjoying every minute of it. Jodi professes to wanting to be a good girl, but admits that her love for life (and guys) sometimes brings out the bad girl.

• Kina, a 20-year-old from Pennsville, New Jersey. Described as "a knockout girl who knows it" and "bursting with personality," Kina is a man magnet and the envy of other women. While she loves the attention that she gets from men, Kina says she's weary of the jealousy that she receives from other women. Despite the supposed female jealousy, Kina is also said to have a "large group of girlfriends who make a scene wherever they go." As if seeing Kina become the focus of all the men in the room wasn't enough of a reason for potential girlfriends to dislike her, MTV also notes that Kina tends to only see the world through her eyes only... and "demands her friends do the same." Kina was raised by her grandparents after her mother suffered an aneurysm while giving birth to her (her mom remains confined to a special care hospital to this day.)

• Patrick, a 20-year-old from Illinois. Patrick is described as a handsome, "boy-next-door"-type who is "every girl's dream and every father's nightmare." Raised by a single mother who worked as a waitress to support him, Patrick "cares for his mother more than anything in the world" and is studying to become an orthopedic surgeon so she will never have to work again. Despite his love for his mother, that reverence doesn't appear to extend to the other women in his life, as he admits that he tries to be faithful to his girlfriend, but sometimes those good intentions "fade away" when he's in the company of other beautiful women. A biology major attending college on an Ivy League wrestling scholarship, Patrick is also said to be "sensitive and caring" and has strived to become "more open minded" than he was in his high school days.