Netflix announced Monday it has acquired the comedy series Tires from Shane Gillis. The series marks a partnership with the streaming service that includes an upcoming standup special.

Gillis will play Shane, a man who goes to work for his cousin, Will's (Steven Gerben) auto repair business. Netflix has ordered six episodes of Tires.

Gillis and Gerben co-created Tires with McKeever, with whom Gillis runs Dad Sick Productions. McKeever directs and all three write and executive produce.

Chris O'Connor, Kilah Fox and Stavros Halkias also star. Andrew Schultz will make a guest appearance.

Netflix streamed Gillis' 2023 special Beautiful Dogs. Gillis will perform live at the Netflix is a Joke comedy festival, May 4 and May 8 in Los Angeles.

Gillis hosted Saturday's Saturday Night Live, years after he was fired before appearing in the cast shortly after the show hired him.