Nick Starcevic, a single 25-year-old former professional football player from Kimball, MN, was revealed to be the fourth houseguest evicted from Big Brother's eighth season during last night's live broadcast of the long-running CBS reality show.
As was the case with Big Brother 8's previous two evictions, Nick wasn't originally nominated for eviction by the Head of Household. Instead Dustin Erikstrup, a single 22-year-old shoe salesman from Chicago, IL who was serving as Big Brother 8's fourth HoH, nominated Kail and Jen Johnson, a single 23-year-old nanny from Beverly Hills, CA.
However this week's Power of Veto competition was won by Jameka Cameron, a single 28-year-old school counselor from Waldorf, MD, who thought God wanted her to take Jen off the eviction chopping block because it was Jen who pulled Jameka's name to participate in the competition. As a result, Dustin nominated Nick in Jen's place, explaining some houseguests thought Nick had "been playing both sides" since Day 1.
"I am surprised this move was made by Dustin," said Nick at the conclusion of Tuesday night's Big Brother 8 broadcast. "I think I was nominated basically because I'm probably seen as a threat later on in the game, as opposed to Kail, who's pretty fragile right now and close to a nervous breakdown."
Kail said she was "very surprised" Dustin had nominated Nick in Jen's place. Dustin had previously told Kail she was a "pawn" and would not be evicted, however she was led to believe Zach Swerdzewski, a single 30-year-old graphic designer from Burbank, CA, would be nominated in Jen's place if she was taken off the chopping block. Dustin still assured Kail she was just a pawn despite his nomination of Nick instead of Zach.
However Dustin's nomination of Nick caused some major drama in the Big Brother 8 house. Amber Siyavus, a separated 27-year-old cocktail waitress from Las Vegas, NV, sobbed uncontrollably at Nick's nomination despite the fact she was the one who encouraged Dustin to "backdoor Nick." Nick was angry with Dustin for not being "real" to him and letting him know he was being nominated in Jen's place.
Meanwhile Dick "Evil Dick" Donato, a single 44-year-old bar manager from Los Angeles, CA, began a verbal fight with Jen, accusing her of "using" Jameka, purposely "throwing" the PoV competition so Jameka could win, and finished by calling Jen a "scumbag." Dick added Jen knew if Jameka won PoV it would be used on her, placing Jameka in a compromising position. Kail described the fight between Dick and Jen as "the worst yet."
Dick's daughter Danielle Donato, a single 20-year-old waitress from Huntington Beach, CA, also confronted Jen, telling her she was "sick and tired" of the way Jen treats her. When Jen questioned Danielle's values because she's been getting cozy with Nick despite having a boyfriend at home, Dick dumped a glass of ice tea on Jen's head. Then Nick -- who was sporting a new Mohawk similar to that worn by Bob De Niro in Taxi Driver -- yelled at Jen.
Danielle revealed to Nick the reason why everyone had turned against him was because they thought he was the second vote to evict Kail last week, while the rest of the houseguest's chose to evict Mike Dutz. However nobody knew it was actually Big Brother 8's America's Player Eric Stein, a single 27-year-old talent management assistant from New York, NY, who had voted for Kail because that's what home viewers instructed him to do.
It would be a similar case this week, because despite Eric's own personal dislike for Nick and wanting to see him evicted, America once again instructed Eric to vote to evict Kail. Eric tried hard to rally the troops to join him, however he came-up well short, as he and Zach were the only two who voted to evict Kail and Nick was sent packing.
Prior to the houseguests' casting their eviction votes live, Nick seemed to anticipate his ousting and took the time to talk to Danielle.
"People come in her with a certain game plan... things they want to do," said Nick to Danielle in-front of the other houseguests. "When I met you I got sidetracked. You're very beautiful, smart... I've become very smitten with you. I'd call you the bees knees. I just want to thank you for the time I've had in this house. It's been enjoyable, for the most part because of myself and Danielle, the memories that we've shared. It will be hard walking away from the Big Brother house, but the hardest thing will probably be walking away from you."

Following his eviction, Nick said goodbye to the houseguests before he and Danielle shared an embrace and a kiss. Outside the house, Nick told Big Brother host Julie Chen it was Danielle's decision on whether or not the two would attempt to continue a romantic relationship in the real world. Julie then played a video message for Nick in which Eric revealed he was the one who had been voting for Kail.
"That's nifty," said Nick after he learned of Big Brother 8's America's Player twist. "It's all in the context of the game. Expect the unexpected. That's pretty tricky."
Nick then received a video message from Danielle.
"I came into this house to play a game, and I didn't think that I would have such a strong friendship with you," she said. "I think you mean a lot more to me than you actually realize... I'm really, really sorry that you didn't make it farther."
Once Nick's elimination was revealed, the rest of the houseguests -- excluding Dustin, who as the outgoing HoH was ineligible -- competed in the fifth HoH competition "Time's Up," which saw them hanging onto oversized swinging clock pendulums in a test of endurance. While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner of the HoH challenge during Sunday night's Big Brother 8 broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
Danielle won the competition and became the fifth HoH.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio