The producers of the crime drama, Tokyo Vice, have announced the show is not getting a third season on Max.
"We're grateful not only to Max but to our partners Fifth Season, who sold the show around the world and made it a global success story. They were in the trenches with us always, guaranteeing that we could make the show we wanted to make."
Based on the true story of a U.S. journalist living in 1990s Japan and reporting on local gang activity, the show starred Ansel Elgort, Sho Kasamatsu, Ken Watanabe, Rachel Keller and Hideaki Itō.
It wrapped up its second season in April.
"From Tokyo Vice's richly written material to the gorgeously composed shots to the lived-in performances, the care and creativity of this enormously talented cast and crew shines in every frame of the show," the streaming service said."We thank J.T., Alan, Ansel, Ken, Fifth Season and Wowow for their partnership on this wholly unique modern noir thriller."